A simple plan

QIC: Red Eye

Date: 3/27/19

PAX: Drama Queen, Splash, Spam-a-Lot, Quiver, 1040-EZ, Plunger, Chisel, Fokker, Burlap, Voldemort, Touch-Me-Not, Bevo, Zima, Red Eye

Let’s be honest.  Counting cadence has its place, but it’s not exactly a good time for the Q.  As Q, if you are actually doing what you’re Qing, you’re sucking wind while trying to say “1-2-3” like you’re not actually sucking wind.  Not a good Q-look to make the pax wonder if you’re in imminent need of CPR.  It can also kinda be a drag hearing your own voice going on and on with all that counting.  When it’s 05-something, YHC doesn’t really like hearing that much talking from anyoned, let alone YHC’s.  These opinions were crystalized for YHC during my last few Qs where waaaaay too much cadence was involved.

With all this in mind, YHC came up with a fairly simple plan that meant virtually no cadence counting for YHC.  However, it did mean rocks, burpees, and other exercises for the 14 pax who gathered at Mayhem.


YHC made a cadence exception for warm-o-rama.

Pax enjoyed SSHs, Imperial walkers, arm swirly things in a variety of directions, merkins, and Abe Vigodas.

We then moseyed over towards Jamison Park for

Tha Thang

The pax found themselves in Jamison’s main parking lot and were invited to grab a healthy-sized rock.  Pax took their chosen rock and lined up along the length of the lot.  Pax were instructed to run across the parking lot to do 10 reps of the first prescribed exercise, run back across the parking lot to their rock to do 1 rep of the second prescribed exercise.  Then run back across to do 9, back to do 2, etc. until the cycle is complete.  Reps total 11 for each cycle, and as Burlap noted, the tally is 55 of each exercise.  Plank for the 6.

Set 1: burpees and kettlerock swings
Set 2: plank jacks and curls
Set 3: merkins and goblet squats

Set 4 was intended to be mountain climbers and overhead presses.  The pax did an admirable job on the first three sets, but we were running out of time so we just did 10 of each.

We moseyed back to the start for 2MOM consisting of LBCs and boxcutters.


YHC took us out.


WIB will experience a peaceful transition of Site Q power tomorrow.  WS Public House.  Ask Fokker for directions.

Prayer Requests

Splash has a friend who is struggling with severe depression. #F3MentalBattle


Zima might ask someone else to substiQ next time, but YHC thanks him for the keys anyway.


Red Eye

1 Comment

  • DQ Drama Queen
    March 27, 2019 9:51 pm

    Definitely goes in the category of not something I would have ever done by myself. Pretty awful Redeye. At least the burpees were first

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