Soggy Bottom Burpees

QIC: LitterBox

Date: 2/11/19

PAX: Cherry Pie. Zima. Razzle Dazzle (WD). Dr Seuss (WB). Snooki. Huckleberry. Blue Steel. Focker. Razzy. Cheesesteak. Chisel. Litterbox

12 pax joined together for a rainy throwback to YHC first F3 workout this AM.  Most body parts were quite wet by about 10 minutes in but mumble chatter was suprisingly light. Good running and Burpee combination kept us breathing heavy the whole time


SSH x 20 IC
IST x 20 IC

Mosey to bridge

Run trail toward WFU with ascending squat jumps with each light post
Plank for 6

Mosey to Quad

Modified Burpee-Mile
First lap – Regular burpees either 1/2/3/4 or 1/3/5/7 (player’s choice)
2nd – Plank Jack burpee
3rd – Mountain Climber burpee
4rd – Peter Parker burpee

Mosey to trail then double count shoulder taps ascending at each post.


Bear Crawl up the hill on the backside of the barn and lunge-walk to the bottom.

Jailbreak back to start



Prayer requests

-Cherry Pie brought up a continuing request on Racial relations and diversity in the community and how we should always be reaching out to everyone around us.
– Palin’s Family after sudden loss. Prayers for all involved

YHC took us out thanking God for our health, praying for health of others, respect for all members of community and continuing to show His love in all we do.



Shout out to Balco for creating this workout the first time!