Mayhem with Dungeons and Dragons!

QIC: Splash

Date: 1/30/19

PAX: Redeye, Spam, Turnover, Zima, Mongoose, Pony Express, Voldemort, Huckleberry, Splash (apologies if this is not correct the audio on my recording sucked)

I was called on by the site Q of Mayhem to lead a workout and then promptly forgot I was traveling and couldn’t do it. After that debacle I felt certain my Q opportunities were gone but Zima was forgiving (or had a slot he needed filled (I know, that’s what she said (holy cow! look how many stacked parentheses I have here!))) and I was tapped again to lead. Having put it immediately on my calendar I knew I had to nail this make up Q. After several days of planning and sketching out possible themes (actually I kinda forgot until the night before but this way it sounds better) I came up with the perfect one. Who among us didn’t spend the bulk of their middle school days playing dungeons and dragons? Discussing their totally real girlfriend who just happened to have moved to Canada? Looking around the COT most mornings I’m sure it was most of us. With that in mind and not because I noticed Ripple had a 10 sided foam dice (a dodecahedron for my fellow nerds) with exercises on each face I set out on a cold January morn to Q the premier Wednesday workout.  Here’s how it went:


SSH IC x20

Imperial Walker (NOT Storm Trooper, because a walker moves by opposite legs just like the exercise and storm troopers are not really cool troop transports!!!) IC x 15

Abe Vegoda’s IC x10 with increasing pace

Squats IC x 15

The Thang

We moseyed to the rock pile to get pumped before we could start playing our super cool D&D game. The Pax were very enthusiastic to pick out a rock in the 19 degree weather. I told them I had preheated a few of them but that they would need to find them! No one found one or maybe I didn’t really heat any I cant remember. I would like to be on the record here that I specifically told the pax to get a MEDIUM sized rock. With rocks in quickly freezing hands we did:

Curls IC x15

Overhead press IC x 15

Skull crusher IC x15

Bent over rows IC x15 with no breaks or pauses between

we then went back to curls but dropped the reps by 5 and went through the progression again

Several over zealous folks began to regret their rock choice (Zima).

We then went through them all again with 5 reps IC before being done

Mosey to base of the hill

Started playing the Spotify 80’s and 90’s New wave mix on shuffle which of course brought us to the worst and most obscure tunes which the pax immediately began to complain about. We then took turns rolling the dice and doing the exercise indicated. At one point someone (Spam) wondered aloud if the Q had actually looked at all 10 faces and was familiar with the described exercise, at which point I acted highly offended (to cover my surprise at this insightful question). To our delight no orcs appeared and all were able to complete the 10 exercises. At this point we moseyed to the picnic tables for some additional exercises. We did step ups, dips, derkins, and box jumps before heading back.


Guantanamo (my favorite, the exercise not the place)

Mutton crunch

Low flutter or maybe box cutter I say both a lot and cant remember which I did


Mumble chatter was a bit focused on the poor taste in music that was being played and the general enthusiasm for lifting 19 degree rocks for extended periods. Another memorable moment was when we moseying back for Mary and the speaker was playing time after time by Cindy Lauper (a classic) and a woman coming in to work complemented the song and then in true D&D fashion began mocking us. This was also a topic of conversation as I recall.

Announcements: Run ranger run teams are getting finalized get on one if you can


I led us out with thanks for morning, the fellowship and the ability to come out and do stupid stuff way too early.

Thank you Zima for the keys, always an honor to lead.


  • Van Gogh
    February 3, 2019 10:27 am

    Dude, your theme was D&D but you left the actual “game” out of your BB! Or what exercise was on each side of the Dodecahedron!? The world wants to know!! Good use of parenthesis though!

  • Spamalot
    February 4, 2019 9:47 am

    As far as what exercises were on the dice….suffice to say that the “rest” was running up to Meadowlark Road and back. Rest indeed.

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