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QIC: Burlap

Date: 25 Feb 2019

PAX: SVP, Lysol, JuiceBox, BoutTime, Wiki (WB), Toto, Spamalot, Burlap (WD)

Well, we finally had a dry morning, and temps were pretty good at about 40 degrees.  But what is the deal with the wind?  JB admitted he may have been underdressed with shorts on.  SVP was probably cold, too, but fought it off by running out front.  The pack stayed together for about two blocks at which time we turned and ran up hill.  The short two blocks of Roslyn between Greenbrier and Buena Vista were relatively steep and started separating the men (SVP, Lysol, JB, and BoutTime) from the boys.  The route had only 113 feet of gain and started with an easy downhill from the parking lot to BV Road and down to Avalon, but turned uphill on Greenbrier and Roslyn.  BV and Arbor were flat  until Arbor hit the creek bed running SW through the neighborhood.  But once up the hill on Arbor to Robinhood, the route was quite flat for W-S, as was intended by the Q.  87.5% of the pax returned to the start within 30 minutes, and SVP and JB got more mileage backtracking and looking for the 12.5%, unsuccessfully. At 0603, we started Tabata anyway.  The pax looked confused when the Q said the first pair would be Burpees and Freddie Mercuries.  They did them anyway.  The timing was 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off with no break between sets.  So we moved immediately to merkins and squats for another four minutes and then to Nolan Ryans and LBCs for the final four minutes taking us a few seconds past 0615.  I may have to send a sternly worded e-mail to myself for going past the time limit.  The 12.5% joined us during merkins/squats and was not sad he missed Burpees.

No major announcements nor prayer requests.  We were getting cold as the wind picked up.  YHC took us out.

Thanks to Sac for the opportunity to pick the location, the route, and the exercises.  Thanks to the Pax for the fellowship.



1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    February 26, 2019 8:08 am

    Thanks Burlap. Wind aside, was a tolerable route. The best burpee is the one you do not do. Burpees are the new running. #burpeesarestupid

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