Feel The Love Burning

QIC: Van Gogh

Date: 02/14/2019

PAX: Litterbox (WB), Root Canal (WD), Zima, Greenspan, Cherry Pie, The Vig, Van Pelt, Van Gogh (QIC)

A special Valentine’s Day WIB proved to an oddball of sorts for YHC. Dealing with a Pinched nerve in my neck from a Monday workout, and Sprained wrist from a Friday workout… YHC’s ability to do the usual favorites (Merkins, Pull-Ups, Bear Crawls) was off the table. With a limited set of options, YHC chose to embrace the warmth often associated with Love. Not just warmth, but more specifically: burning. Feeling the burn from using the same muscle groups over and over… which came down to legs, abs, and some shoulders. YHC failed to mention my injuries in the Tweeted pre-blast, so the PAX were hit with the news in the disclaimer causing a few grumbles and “uh-ohs”…  So read on below to learn how the PAX felt the love burning on a chilly Valentine’s Day morning!



  • Mosey down to lower lot
  • Run through each listed exercise (except American Hammers) x 5 IC

The Thang

  • The loop:
    • Mosey out from lower parking and turn right toward lake house
    • Run up hill towar towards Reynolds House
    • Turn right towards Village Entrance
    • Turn right towards #Estate launch point
    • Veer down hill to lower parking lot for exercises
  • Exercises – Add an exercise after each lap. 10 reps OYO each.per lap
  1. Sumo Squat
  2. Wall Sit / Overhead Clap
  3. American Hammers
  4. Pulse Lunge (no alternate) x 5 each
  5. Al Gore / Seal Clap
  6. American Hammers
  7. Monkey Humper
  8. SSH
  9. American Hammers
  10. Ice Skaters
  11. Sobriety Style Arm Swirly Things
  12. American Hammers
  13. Squat Jumps
  14. High Knees x 4 / Ground Touch
  15. American Hammers
  16. Calf Raise
  17. Peter Parker
  18. American Hammers


  • No prayer requests
  • YHC took us out giving thanks for the morning, and encouraging us to love our wives and family, be role models for our children and lift up those who could use some love in their life


  • Between 3 and 3.2 miles covered this morning from 11-12 laps from the PAX.
  • Total reps including Warm-o-rama round: 210 American Hammers, 310 leg exercises with shoulder movements; 350 leg-only exercises: 130 Sumo Squats, 120 Wall Sit/Overhead Claps, 100 Pulse Lunges, 90 Al Gore/Seal Claps, 70 Monkey Humpers, 60 SSH, 40 Ice Skaters, 30 Sobriety Style Arm Swirly Things, 10 HK/Ground Touches 10 Peter Parker
  • YHC attempted to ask each PAX what their Valentine’s Day plans were… most of us weren’t up to much. Should we step up our romance game?
    • @VanPelt’s M was working so he was going to have a beer.
    • @Greenspan had plans involving his wife and daughter
    • @RootCanal did his work the day prior
    • @Zima had no plans
    • @Litterbox was going out with his M
    • @CherryPie had no plans
    • @TheVig had no plans
    • YHC was cooking dinner, but had already handed out flowers and purchased cards and candy.
  • YHC told the PAX of the neck and wrist injuries that I was dealing with at the time, and explained that was why our work was so heavily leg focused… with some shoulders and abs.
  • @Litterbox was in a league of his own this morning, miles ahead of the PAX… well maybe just about a half a lap. He said the workout played to his strengths, and YHC would agree. #HateHate #TClaps
  • Thanks to @Greenspan for giving YHC a push this morning. He and I ran together most of the time, and he often pushed the pace.
  • @CherryPie was sandbagging again, attempting to fly by @Greenspan and YHC towards the end, but he declared “Go gettem, VG” on the hill when YHC kept pace.
  • @Zima declared he was dragging and his legs were sore from the previous days 5 miler, likely with a weight vest, and paired with 1000 merkins. For “dragging”, he was never far behind a rested YHC. #ScaryStrong
  • @RootCanal never appeared to bring out his alter ego #DrTootCanal during the American Hammers; a Valentine’s Day gift we can all appreciate!
  • Good to see my fellow Van PAX in @VanPelt at #WIB. YHC’s favorite moment was when he declared “oh boy, here it comes” as @Zima harrassed YHC about a lack of an official pre-blast. YHC kept it civil. #LifeHappens
  • @TheVig later said he was cursing my name during #OGs the next day. But at least his squats were nice and deep!
  • Apologies for the late posting of this BackBlast… it was mostly written, but never posted because YHC was…. lazy?

Always a pleasure to be amongst such great men in the morning, even when injured! Thanks for the Keys, @Thistle! You’ve been a great #WIB Site-Q, and YHC is confident @CherryPie will carry the torch well!