Another Year Older at Parliament

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 02/19/2019

PAX: The Singing Cowboy, Spamalot, Goofy, Wobegon, Schneider, Data, Boomerang, Cousin Roy, Sour Mash, Drama Queen and partial credit to EC runner Katniss

Birthdays abound in February for The Dash – I wished three Pax HB on Facebook today alone.  YHC shares one with Mutton this Thur.  YHC is sure to miss some so here’s a big Happy Birthday to all pax celebrating this month.  It was also this time of year when Parliament was birthed four short years ago.  After Goofy started TRQ, YHC liked the concept of a nonrunning workout but a little closer to home.  Thus, the birth of the Tuesday Core workout – WeFoCo style.

Parliament has grown from a handful of regulars to a wide variety of pax who grace the hollowed grounds of Southwest Elementary.  YHC is proud to be part of the tradition.

A good group got in an EC run – all for Run Ranger Run miles ranging from 2 to 3+

YHC returned in time to check out a few items needed for the day and at 0530 the party began.

Warmorama consisted of many of the standards with various commentary from the pax.  Goofy likes to standup if he’s going to recover.  YHC veered the pax off into Ricky Bobby quotes for a bit.  And Boomerang found several things to complain about.

We then moved slightly toward the covered walk but not needing it for protection from the frequent Parliament rain today we stayed in the parking lot for Party Game #1 – Lazy Dora.  100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats while alternating with partner who held plank, held six inches and held Al Gore.

On to the presents – we each took two bricks and performed curls, Jack Reachers, Flies, Da Vincis, and Wonderbras.  It was just two little bricks but by the end of that the shoulders were barking.

Down the hill for Party Game #2 – Climb the hill with 4 different modes of transport and 1 burpee at the top before moseying back down.  Modes consisted of Duck walk, Lunge Walk, Bear Crawl and Backwards walk.

Back to the front for final Party Game – Saratogas (or with lack of race horses at the non running workout – Clydesdales pulling the Bud wagon).  Ropes were distributed and down and back to the dumpsters was the route.

Just enough time for Mary – Low Flutter, Freddie Mercs, Penguin Crunches, maybe one more and finishing of course with Snow Angels.


Strong group that grew when Schneider and Sour Mash finished their runs.  Katniss could not be cajoled into staying.  #workthing. Then Sour Mash left early.  #kidthing

Good to have #Data join us for his first Parliament post.  He’s a regular at B&W but has to travel tomorrow.

EC runners were SM, TSC, Schneider, Katniss, Wobegon and YHC

Cousin Roy hung tough all day and then regaled us with the story of the Nantan’s birth 40 years ago today.  10 feet of snow, up hill both ways to the hospital in another state – sounds a little like BRR. Seriously, glad to have both Steins as members of the Dash Pax.


A number of different pax are Qing the upcoming workouts.  You are gonna go where you’re gonna go so as long as it’s not Van Gogh or Snooki do you really care that much who is Qing.  Get out there and experience new AOs.

There may have been something else that was kinda important


Green Acres is having rotator cuff surgery.  YHC took us out thanking for the group and asking we make a difference in our small corner of the world.

Always an honor and Happy Birthday to Parliament





  • Spamalot
    February 20, 2019 2:36 pm

    What’s that burning sensation? Just th

    • Spamalot
      February 20, 2019 2:36 pm

      Just the results of that lazy Dora. Strong stuff!!

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