Reindeer Turned Over the Outhouse!

Date: December 17, 2018

Pax: Van Gogh (Co-WB), TPS, Bevo (Co-WB), Manscape, RedEye, InkSpot (WD), Greenspan (QIC)

This one had been brewing in YHC’s head for a few weeks. Having gone through a WIB at Mt. Tabor UMC (MTUMC) Qed by Sgt. Schultz several weeks ago and having received the Sarge’s approval to further utilize the space on the edge of the Outhouse AO’s northern frontier, YHC brought a plan intended to work the full body with particular emphases on the shoulders and legs. After providing the F3 mission statement and disclaimer, YHC initiated the beatdown.

Warmarama (IC):
• SSHs x 20
• Seal claps x 20
• Abe Vigoa (Bevo Slow) x 5
• Whirly with the Clap x 15

The Thang:

We moseyed from Leinbach’s parking lot to MTUMC. There are chest-high brick pillars on the west side of the facility. Pax were instructed to partner up.

• Partner A performs AMRAP get ups on the brick pillar, Partner B runs ~50 yards to the edge of the parking area and back; flip flop and repeato x 3

We moseyed a little further down the west side of the facility where a brick retaining wall provided the perfect apparati for the following:

• One-legged High/Low/Mid balance drill (switch legs mid-way)
• Derkins x 10 (IC)
• Pulse lunges with one foot on retaining wall x 10 (IC, switch legs mid-way)
• Derkins x 10 (IC)
• Copperhead Squats x 10 (IC)
• Derkins x 10 (IC)

We moseyed back around to the east side of the facility. YHC planted an orange cone at the southeast corner of the parking lot and instructed the pax, “This is where you’ll turn around.” We moseyed down the hill where we found bricks! Partnerships formed earlier were to reunite.

• Partner A performs AMRAP jack reachers with bricks, Partner B runs to cone ~100 yards away and back; flip flop
• Partner A performs AMRAP jack reachers with bricks + wall sit, Partner B runs to cone ~100 yards away and back; flip flop
• Partner A holds a single jack reacher with bricks + one-legged wall sit alternating legs on pax conducted 10-counts, Partner B runs to cone ~100 yards away and back; flip flop

We returned the bricks to that very nicely stacked pile and circled up.

• Pax #1 leads the group with 1 squat + 3 jack reachers
• Pax #2 leads the group with 2 squats + 6 jack reachers
• Etc. We reached 8 squats + 24 jack reachers at which point the “Don’t Q it if you can’t do it” maxim came into effect.

We moseyed back to the shelter at Leinbach.

• Dips x 20 (OYO)
• Step Ups (10 each leg, OYO)
• Dips x 20 (OYO)

Just enough time for 3 minutes of Mary in the parking lot.

• Ring of Fire x 2
• Divebombers x 5 (IC)


• The Estate and the Outhouse will converge both 12/24 (at the Outhouse, Van Gogh on Q) and 12/31 (at the Estate, Sassy on Q).
• Van Gogh has WIB on Thursday. Parking lot TBD.

Prayer Requests:
• Keith Vest, BooBoo’s brother in law, undergoing chemo;
• YHC’s father, who begins radiation and chemo on 12/26;
• Van Gogh has a co-worker who lost his brother-in-law in a plane crash. Prayers for the whole family.
• For F3 men to be aware and seeking out the lonely, lost, and heartbroken during this time of the year, both in our families and in our other spheres of life.
YHC took us out with prayers offered up for the Lord to remind us to be on the lookout for those who have no one and no thing, who need the fellowship and encouragement of F3.

Great morning to be with these men. The workout was only exceeded by the fellowship.

Ink Spot’s first words upon arrival: “Uh oh. He’s got the cone out.” Nothing to fear for the War Daddy as he dominated the workout and was at the front of the moseys.

YHC and VG both arrived with sweatshirts on. YHC shed his after warmarama (4 minutes into the workout); VG shed his during the sets of dips (41 minutes into the workout) with no apparent sweat. What’s up with that? Sans sweatshirt, VG was able to put YHC’s feet on the ground twice during ring of fire.

VG also returned the Outhouse to a vertical position. Apparently, it is toppled each weekend. VG did hear some sloshing of fluids inside.
YHC enjoyed partnering TPS. YHC doesn’t cross paths with TPS very frequently, but TPS always brings it in a calm, quiet way.

Manscape always puts in all the work and doesn’t take shortcuts on reps or form. YHC admired his get up form while YHC’s would have been grounds for disqualification.

Being with Bevo is always a highlight. Although we attend church together and sometimes cross paths at FlyWheel, it feels as if we haven’t been at a workout together for a couple of months. Bevo’s wheels were moving on the uphill runs.

RedEye is godfather of the Outhouse, the giant on whose shoulders we stand. He put in some extra credit pre-workout, getting ~3 miles in, or, as someone remarked, “Enough to get your head steaming.” He seemed fresh enough to crush the order of business.

Several pax noted the other potential pieces of equipment around MTUMC for future beatdowns.

Following the departure of all pax except Bevo, YHC and the co-WB observed six (rein)deer run through Leinbach Park straight at the Outhouse (portajohn).