Mistletoe IS/Purgatory Convergence

QIC: Drip

Date: 12/1/18

PAX: Boomerang, Mutton, Goofy, Cheesesteak, Burlap, Ziggy Stardust, Turnover, Thistle, Light Bright, Rust Bucket, Ink spot (WD), Roosevelt, Root Canal, Hoptoberfest, Parkay (WB), Lamb Chop, Sean Hughes (FNG), Bulldog, Spamalot, Offsides, Ken Hartley (FNG), D-Day, Drama Queen, Manscape, Lace

To make room for all the Mistletoe runners and so we could find a parking spot, IS and Purgatory converged on Speas Elementary.  And converge we did…26 strong!

Warmarama: SSH, AV, ATT

Mosey to Lido Deck for a little extra stretching (MC from Root Canal) with upper and lower planks, finished up with 10 oyo wide, narrow, diamond merkins.  Partner up for DORA. Partner A jogs to nearby parking lot and does 2 4×4 Merkins then switches with Partner B. Together knock out 50 dips, 100 Derkins, 100 merkins and 100 squats.

Mosey to Rock Quarry  Choose two MEDIUM rocks 20 of each OYO:  L/R curls, L/R curls with 5 pulses after each, shoulder shrugs, Flies.  On you back for 20 Flies, chest presses, skull crushers to ground.

Lap around Track

Partner up for Wheel Barrow to Soccer goal, switching halfway.  Bear Crawl to Playground.

Tennis Courts   Partner up. A: Wind sprints across the courts with 2 then 4 then 6 Burpees.  Switch each time with Partner B who is doing Chilly Jacks.

Playground  Partner A Toe Touches on Chin up bars while B crab walks.  Switch up and repeat once.

Back to parking Lot for Mary by Committee.

MC: YHC had been a bit “optimistic” with my original numbers for the Lido Deck per Lamb Chop.  Being one to never pass on good advice, I followed his suggestion and lowered the counts to 100 each.  Fortunately that did not lower the number of complaints about the Pax’ shoulders.  Offsides was really churning out the merkins on no sleep as he had just finished up his night shift. #dedicated

YHC suggested/encouraged, several times, for everyone to choose wisely and pick 2 medium rocks.  We all have a different concept of what the size of two medium rocks should be, and who am I to judge whether a man is using the metric or english measurement system.  Nonetheless, a few Pax were secure enough to switch their rocks for smaller ones between sets.  Goofy and Parkay tapped rocks during the Flies.  Parkay protected his rock with his finger, but didn’t skip a beat and finished out the set.  A few older Pax advised him that as long as he kept his gloves on he wouldn’t lose his fingertip if it had been separated from his hand.

Thistle repeatedly requested more shoulder and arm exercises throughout the workout.

Is Inkspot really 65? I think we need to see a birth certificate.  Strong Work today!

I kept watching Lace, Turnover and Cheesesteak to see it they would ever show signs of fatigue, but no matter what YHC threw at the group, those three did not slow down a bit.

Announcements and Prayer requests  DQ is directing a Christmas play at Mount Tabor Methodist, See Burlap about a mission trip to Haiti in May to dig wells, F3 Anniversary/Christmas Party Dec 15. Please remember Spam’s friend’s parents who lost their son 30 years ago.  The Holidays are a hard time when you have lost a child/friend.

The Naming: Kudos to D-Day and Lamb Chop for bringing out their buddies this morning. Sean is a Family Medicine resident and plays the drums. The voting had started to decide between Little Drumer Boy and Ringo when Hoptoberfest shouted out “Rum pum pum”.  The combination of Christmas season and Sean’s musical talent proved too perfect for further discussion and a most excellent name was bestowed upon this former FNG.  Ken Hartley is a former assistant principal for Jefferson Elementary.  He is now a stay at home Dad.  His Star Wars shirt offered up the suggestion of CP3O due to his three kids, but the debate come down to Mr. Mom or Doubtfire.  After mentioning how much he liked the movie Mr. Mom, Doubtfire was the obvious choice.

COT: YHC took us out with thankfulness for all the guys gathered here and asking for help to prepare our hearts for the for the birth of our Savior.

Palin and TR, thanks for the keys and the opportunity to lead this great group of men.  It was a really hard upper body work out and everyone kept at it until we were done.   I am very glad I got involved in F3.  I really needed the push and the fellowship in my life.





1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    December 5, 2018 8:35 am

    It is Wednesday and my shoulders still have not recovered from this torture.

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