Continuing the Halloween theme, we dressed up as “athletes”

Q: Whirly

Date: 11/01/18 (aka “the day after Halloween”)

Pax: Mutton, Cherry Pie, Thistle, Root Canal, Whirly

Five pax extended the Halloween theme by dressing up like athletes and “running” around Hanes Park and doing various Herculean exercises, to wit:


Mosey one lap around the track



Whirly w/ clap x 20 IC


Four sets of exercises:

1- Box jumps, dirkins, gas pumps

2- Left leg step-ups, dips, low dollys

3- Right leg step-ups, irkins, penguin crunches

4- Squats, Carolina drydocks, low flutters

Do one set of exercises, then run one lap around the track.  The plan was to do 20 reps of each exercise on the first go around, followed by reps of 15, then 10, then 10 again, 15, 20 (time permitting).

No one went all the way down and back up the ladder.


Zima, Litterbox, Huckleberry are doing a green beret challenge this weekend.  Prayers for safety.

Dr. Craig Mills (34) passed away suddenly this week.  Prayers for his family.

The political tone of our country (“If you don’t agree with me, then you are an immoral idiot.”)

Root Canal reminded us that God is bigger than all of the problems and encouraged us to find people that disagree with us and show love to them.  Disagreements are ok, but we don’t have to be vitriolic towards those who disagree with us.


As is the case for every event that causes me to stay up late (Super Bowl, World Series game 7, National Championship football game, etc.), I will always have a Q the following day.  Today was Exhibit Z.

Cherry Pie was struggling today- he didn’t even lap me twice.

Thistle is not a big fan of bifurcating the left leg step-ups and the right leg step-ups.  Let’s just say he “took matters into his own hands.”

During our initial mosey to the track for a warmup lap, Root Canal complained, “This is not Flatline; we can warm up.”  #trusttheQ

I would love to report other noteworthy MC, but I was by myself the whole time, so couldn’t hear anything that might be worth reporting.  #sorry

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the keys, Thistle.  WIB is an easy Q.  If you don’t feel comfortable Q’ing a workout, but want to ease your way into it, WIB would be a great way to start.

1 Comment

  • Thistle
    November 2, 2018 9:46 am

    Thanks for Qing #Whirly. Appreciate your leadership and your well thought out beatdown. I’d say this good group was an example of “iron sharpening iron”, but I think I’m more sandstone than iron.

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