Black Friday Sale at Urban Assault

QIC: Drip

Date: 11/23/18

PAX: RoboCop (WB), Drip (WD)

RoboCop and YHC were waiting for any more Pilgrims to post, but were very glad with 5:30 came around as we were freezing our giblets off.

Warm-a-rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Whirley has the Clap.

All bridge crossings encountered along the route dictated a bear crawl crossing.

Mosey around Bailey Park to upper parking lot.  (Bride crossing #1)  Once in the lot, more stretching with lots of high and low planks.

Mosey to Train Tracks for 3 sets of: partner A 4×4 Merkins while partner B did 10 toe touches up to the train track with 90 degree bend in arms.

Mosey to Coal Pit then Wheel Barrow across the pit switching every second column.

Mosey to Nissen Building.   2 sets each: 10 fifteen degree derkins then 10 forty-five degree derkins then run to bottom of cobblestone path for 10 box jumps on benches. Back up hill for next set.

Mosey to Med School with Bridge Crossing #2 and 3.  By this time out bear crawl had slowed to…well a crawl and that bridge was incredibly long, so we might have just walked over Bridge #3.  Once at the Med school, 50 dips and tricep pushups alternating and in cadence with partner.

Mosey back to Bailey Park taking the side stairs to avoid any more bridges.  Once back, partner A chilly jacks while partner B ran to first tree and did 2 burpees, flapjack then to second tree for 4 burpees, then last tree for 6.

Mosey around the Park and down the stairs for Mary by Committee.

Although I often get to be in the same OR as RoboCop, it was great getting to work out with him in near freezing temperatures and learn more about him and his family.  Great conversation and great push this morning.  Strong Work!!

Announcements:  None…we had discussed everything during the workout.

COT:  YHC took us out thanking God for the chance to hang out together this morning and the request to Him prepare our hearts for coming of the Savior as the Advent Season approaches.