Upper Body and Core Workout at UA

QIC: Drip

Date: 10/12/18

PAX: Cheesesteak, Light Bright (WD), Post Hole, Root Canal, Fockker, FNG Hickory

While the Tractors were plowing through the dark and jumping over downed trees, the 7 UA Pax were welcomed to Bailey Park with plenty of light, no obstacles and cool temperatures.

Warmorama: Side Straddle hop and Arm Swirley Things

The Thang: Mosey 1/3 around Bailey Park with a short stop for a little Namaste and Plank Work.

Mosey to upper parking lot with a Bear Crawl across the bridge.

Bearpees (1 burpee followed by 5 bearcrawls)  across the the parking lot.  Mosey to Train tracks when done.

Partner Up. A does 4×4 Merkins and B does 10 Pull ups and then 10 toe touches to the upper bar.  Switch up and do 3 sets of each.

Mosey to Coal Pit*  Right and Left side plank crunches in cadence, 3 sets of 10 gluteus medius strengthening plank lifts.

Mosey to Fancy Drinks. 100 dips and tricep pushups in cadence with your partner.  Switch exercise at each 10 count,

Mosey to Park.  Partner up.  Partner A does Chilly Jacks while B runs to first tree and does 3 Burpees.  Flap Jack.  Then run to next tree and 6 Burpees. Flap Jack. Run to last tree and 9 Burpees.

Mosey back to fountain for Mary.  Superheroes in a Boat.  Stay in Boat Position for 4 minutes. To pass the time, each Pax calls out a SuperHero and does a motion of their super power (Swim Strokes for Aquaman etc)  Any repeats and all Pax go into Canoe position for a 10 count.

CoT: Cheesesteak needs Qs from Nov 9th on….please contact him. Prayer requests for those affected by Hurricanes Flo and Michael.

NMM: At the Namaste stop, Cheese Steak was of course, completely in his element, but some other Pax inquired if this was Yoga.  Fearing I would be directed to Q at a FIA AO next week, I quickly mention this was just ‘extra stretching’ and everyone was good with that.  All Pax continued on the mosey feeling very limber.

Light Bright was his usual positive self, but was very concerned that we might have to run in the grass.  An omaha was called for and YHC is happy to report that all shoes remained dry.

During the Brupees, Post Hole inquired why I hated the FNG so much.

Root Canal is a Beast, what else can I say.

Fockker just smiled throughout the entire workout.

FNG, Chris Runyun is a pediatric plastic surgeon at Brenners.  He is from Indiana and has gone on numerous mission trips.  Welcome Hickory!

* Coal Pit reference.  At last Friday’s UA, Burns referred to the area outside Indendary as the Coal Pit.  YHC used it today and everyone knew where to go.  As Burns is a Hip Millennial, I will give him credit for the naming.