OGs and Tractors Return Home… to Darkness

QIC: Burlap

Date: 12 Oct 2018

PAX: Boo Boo, Lemming, Palin (WB), Peacemaker (WD), Bluto, Closer, Winklevoss, Interference, Zuckerberg, BoutTime, Wiki, Chomper, Razzie, Bueller, Burlap (QIC)

Pax List:  Boo Boo, Lemming, Palin (WB), Peacemaker (WD), Bluto, Closer, Winklevoss, Interference, Zuckerberg, BoutTime, Wiki, Chomper, Razzie, Bueller, Burlap (QIC)

A total of 15 Pax made it to what is now known as a ‘soft open’ of the new parking lot at Hanes Park by the tennis courts, across from the Y.  This is the home to the original F3WS workout (n.k.a. Impossible Situation) on 04 Jan 2014 and the rightful home of several F3 workouts each week.

YHC writes ‘soft open’ because (a) only 15 pax attended and (b) the lights were off – throughout Hanes Park and West End.  One could actually see clearly dozens of stars at 6:15 a.m. due to lack of ambient light and clear autumn skies.

And writing of autumn, the temps were welcome with a “5” as a leading digit this morning.  @Winklevoss, among others, was pleased.

See Pre-Blast for the routes.  Tractors stuck to it, except for @Lemming who got in an extra 1+ miles, probably on purpose.  The OG route had a twist, thanks to the still strong remnants of Hurricane Michael which dumped several inches of rain and brought high winds during the day on Thursday.  This caused a large tree to fall on utility lines and bring them all into Robinhood Road just before the intersection with Sussex and Meadowbrook.  So, most OGs saw the tweet and turned left and ran down the hill in the lovely, little-known neighborhood of Meadowbrook that comes out at Reynolda Road.  @Bueller ran under the yellow tape and the leaning tree and lines to keep the route at a reasonable 6.4 miles.  No harm.  The route ran by @’BoutTime’s home; it did not go by @Mongoose’s; therefore, he didn’t post (more later).

@Boo Boo and YHC, in bringing up the 6 in the Tractors line, noticed two things of interest near Bailey Park — (1) @Palin running toward us, and (2) Burns lecturing a group of sweaty men at 4th and Patterson.  YHC believes the former to be a result of @Palin reading the route while standing on his head or looking in a mirror and the latter to be #UrbanAssault.

Due to power outages and the mass volume of leaves and sticks on the roads, most Pax employed headlamps.  This, along with the cooler temps, created a BRR-like atmosphere.  In fact, it was pretty cool to stand in the HP parking lot and see a string of headlamps making their way on West End Blvd, right onto Sunset, and into the Home parking lot.

This run was also one of the eerier  (<<it’s a word meaning “more eerie”) runs that the Pax has experienced due to the lack of power in parts of W-S.  This was especially true running down the dark, silent, narrow lane that is Brookstown Ave from 4th St to the park.

All in all, this was an odd but welcome return to the Home of OGs and Tractors.  The numbers were low because:

  • At least 12 pax are currently running the Bourbon Chase in Ky.  Fair winds and following seas to OH4TB.  And @DryRun is once again behind the wheel of one of the vans.  Please do yourself a favor and follow this trip on Twitter.
  • Several pax are running either 50K or 50 miles tomorrow from Pilot Mountain State Park to Hanging Rock State Park.  This includes the aforementioned @Mongoose along with @Balco, @Resistor, @RedEye, @Cheerio, @Cobra, @Cobra’s M, and @Zuck’s M.  YHC believes there are others, some of whom I rarely see because they have to workout at 4:30 a.m.  Also, @JuiceBox is driving one of the teams.
  • Site Q, @TheVig, was too hungover from birthday celebrations — either that, or his power was out and he couldn’t bear for the Pax to see him without having shaved.


  • RAH races tomorrow morning, 13 Oct, with proceeds to fight hunger.
  • @PonyExpress needs a few more volunteers at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, 14 Oct, at Bailey Park to assist with the Heart Walk.
  • Prayers for Hurricane recoveries including local power outages.
  • Prayers for those fighting addictions.
  • YHC took us out.

Thanks to @BooBoo for running with me.  I appreciate the company.

And I appreciate the push that all of you give me.






  • Jeremy Pattisall
    October 12, 2018 4:29 pm

    Burlap – Nice route! The darkness plus the quietness was a nice difference. YHC did his best to fartsack, but the WSFCS phone call at 5:20 prompted the push along with the temps. Despite being 5 minutes late YHC got to run Tractors with Razzie, which was great company.

  • Closer
    October 13, 2018 3:23 pm

    Going down Brookstown in the complete dark was pretty cool. Nice route and thanks for keeping us safe with downed wires and trees.

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