Lifting Rocks at Purgatory

QIC: Harden

Date: 10/20/2018

PAX: Whaler; The Singing Cowboy; Bulldog; Sour Mash; D-Day; Schnieder; The Pony Express; Spam-a-lot; Lace; Burlap; Offsides; Turnover; Harden

Date: 10/20/2018

Q: Harden

Pax: Whaler; The Singing Cowboy; Bulldog; Sour Mash; D-Day; Schneider; The Pony Express; Spam-a-lot; Lace; Burlap; Offsides; Turnover; Harden

13 pax arrived in the gloom this morning for #purgatory. Upon arrival, two of Winston Salem’s finest were having a in depth conversation in the parking lot while paying no attention to the group of men forming nearby. Cars continued to show and the group swelled from 1 to 13 in short order. 0530 arrived and we took off for our adventure:


1. SSH x 20 IC
2. Arm Swirly Things (F) x 20 IC
3. Hillbilly x 20 IC
4. Arm Swirly Things (R) x 20 IC
5. Abe Vigoda x 10 IC
6. Merkin x 10 IC
The Thang
Mosey to Rocks
Partner up
Partner #1 Select a medium sized rock
Partner #2 Select a Larger Rock
Mosey to wall
P1: Wonderbra x 15 OYO
P2. Balls to the wall
Flapjack x 2 times
Mosey to track – Carpi Lap
Mosey to Tennis Courts
Modified Dora 1-2-3
Exercises: 100 Curls; 200 Overhead Press; 300 Bent over rows
P1: Work towards goal reps of exercise
P2: Carry large rock to end of tennis courts, leave, and return. P1 will run and pick up rock and return it to start during their mosey.
Flapjack until complete
Mosey to exercise park
Supine Pull-ups x 15 OYO
Calf Raises x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 OYO
Squats x 20 OYO
Mosey to put rocks back
Mosey back to start for Mary
Dying Cockroach x 10 IC
Mutton Crunch x 10 IC R/L
Mutton Crunch x 10 IC L/R
Freddie Mercury x 10 IC
Multiple other core exercises as called by the pax.
The pax had chatter going all morning. Really didn’t catch much as YHC was concentrating on delivering the workout in an acceptable manner.
Apparently we introduced Burlap to his first ever Capri lap this morning.
Copious amounts of complaining and moaning regarding the workout today. Mission accomplished.
Nice working out with Lace and Turnover today for the first time. Feel free to come over to #WeFoCo sometime and visit. We don’t bite like the dash pax may have told you.
Today was Whaler’s first sanctioned F3 workout. Whaler is also known as John Bandle. He was named during #willrun4thebourbon training by the #OH4TB team. Background: Whaler is from Alaska where he did a stint as a fisherman among other jobs. In addition, research found several photos of Whaler on the interwebs at Carolina Hurricanes games. Spam-a-lot drew the connection between Alaska, Hurricanes, and the Hartford Whalers to come up with the name Whaler – Boom it fits.
Prayer Requests
1. Those fighting addiction
2. The pax running in the Baltimore Marathon today.
3. Lace as he recovers from a back injury.
4. Splash in Tuna Run.
5. 6th grader at Walkertown Middle who was buried this week. For her family as well as the school community and teachers as they struggle with the loss.
1. D-Day daughter selling jewelry at mixer today down by Wiseman brewing and Winston Cup Museum.
2. DQ play is having its last performance tonight.
YHC took us out.
Thanks TR for offering YHC the opportunity to lead while we dined in Charleston, WV.


  • Burlap
    October 20, 2018 12:31 pm

    YHC chose poorly on the large rock but well on the partner. Thanks, Bulldog.

    And thanks, Harden, for expanding my knowledge and vocabulary. The Dora with rocks was a nasty twist. Welcome back, Lace

  • Spamalot
    October 21, 2018 9:18 am

    Strong work by all. TClaps to the #WeFoCo guys for coming East. It was another mini #OH4TB reunion!!

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