
Q: Whirly

Date: 10/10/18

PAX: Quiver, Offsides, Zima, Burlap, Whirly

5 Pax decided to say no to the fartsack and attend the premier Wednesday workout, but somewhere along the way they changed their mind and went to Mayhem.  We ran and did stuff, to wit:






Mosey to the park next to the school. Find a bench.

20 box jumps

20 dirkins

20 left leg step ups

20 dips

20 right leg step ups

20 irkins

20 gas pumps

Run 1:00 out, then turn around and come back.

20 low flutters

Repeato, but reduce the reps by 5 (15, 10, 5) each round.

Mosey to the front of the school.

Dora 1,2,3- one partner runs around the traffic circle while the other partner does squats (100), LBCs (200), and overhead claps (300)


Mutton crunches x 10 left side

Mutton crunches x 10 right side

Big O…time’s up!


There are three obstacle course races coming up: see Palin for one on October 27th, Huckleberry on November 3rd and Van Gogh on November 17th.

Lots of guys (and some Ms) are running in different events this weekend- pray for safety and for the pax to finish injury-free.

Quiver and M are expecting 2.3- CONGRATULATIONS!

Kotters to Offsides.

YHC took us out.


When I got to Meadowlark, Offsides was already there so I started shooting the breeze with him.  Out of nowhere (almost literally), Zima appeared, sans vehicle.  Even after expert interrogatories, I could not ascertain how he got there.  He wasn’t winded or sweaty.  #ninja

I should Q Mayhem more often because Quiver looked like he needed someone to push him to become a faster runner.  #eliterunnerwannabe

We had to Omaha the reps on the overhead claps during Dora 1,2,3 because Zima was getting worn down and just couldn’t hang with the rest of us.  Sure, we were almost out of time, but the real reason we had to cut it short was because Zima just couldn’t hang.  Maybe he needs to consider throttling back on those over the top RIROs or WIWOs (walk in, walk out).

All moleskin MC aside, Zima was pushing me to increase the pace on the circuits we did on the benches at the beginning.  I promise I was giving it all I had, but I appreciate guys like Zima encouraging me to try to find another gear. #ISI

Speaking of finding another gear, I shared this during the COT and want to share it with the rest of F3WS- how F3 and Q’ing F3 workouts has helped me with other very important things in life.  I coach Titanium’s flag football team.  We usually have two coaches, but last Sunday the head coach was out of town and I was coaching solo.  I was a little concerned because it was our first game of the season and there were some administrative functions that had to be taken care of before we could even practice (i.e. getting all of the kids flag belts fitted and cut to length).  I felt like I needed to find out which kids could throw the ball, which kids were better at flag pulling, which kids ran faster, which kids were better at catching the ball, etc.  Then, we had to practice the plays I drew up on Saturday.  To make things more difficult, I was running a little late because of overlap between church and football.  So after arriving late and taking care of the administrative stuff, I didn’t have much time for evaluating the players’ abilities and practicing plays.  I did the best I could with the time that I had and then we had to play the game.  Needless to say, it did not look quite exactly like a well-oiled machine.  We were penalized twice during the game due to coaching snafus (once for delay of game, once for running an illegal play [QBs can’t run the ball in our league- what?]).  The coach’s shortcomings notwithstanding, we played a great game and [I think] all of the kids had fun and hopefully learned something/got better.

I said all of THAT to say THIS- after the game was over I thought things had gone pretty well in all phases- ironing out the administrative necessities before practice, practice itself and the game.  I couldn’t help but think that coaching a kids football team was, at least in some ways, like Q’ing a F3 workout.  I had to plan beforehand, figure out a way to allow everyone to participate given different levels of ability, do my best to execute the plan during the game, make adjustments on the fly, be cognizant of time constraints, and put up with A LOT of mumble chatter (there’s always that one kid…I could tell his parents were embarrassed…little did they know that I had Q’d workouts attended by BAM- this kid had nothing on BAM).  Last, but not least, being in better shape just gives you more energy to do anything better.

So, I guess I can summarize by saying three things:

  1. I want to thank the men of F3WS for making me better.  I’m a far better man/husband/dad/coach because of all of you.
  2. I want to thank Site Qs for giving me the opportunity to lead.
  3. I want to encourage those of you who haven’t lead a workout yet, or don’t lead as often as you can, to just step up and do it.  Do it to serve others, but there is a benefit to you as well.

[Insert fist bump here.]

1 Comment

  • Burlap
    October 12, 2018 3:35 pm

    Solid Q and top notch BB. Honored to count Whirly among my friends.

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