Sweatpocalypse at Flatline

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 9/4/18

PAX: Lite Brite (WD), Van Gogh (WB), Roosevelt, Spicoli

Flatline 9.4.18


Q: Spicoli

PAX: Lite Brite (WD), Van Gogh (WB), Roosevelt, Spicoli

YHC felt mugged by the humidity first thing when walking to my car.  The stillness of the air was sure to make for extra special workout conditions.  Roosevelt helped YHC with keeping time and with a few brave souls we began:

Mosey around parking lot doing 4 corners (in case any late arrivals)”

  1. Corner #1 SSH, x20 OYO
  2. Corner #2 squats, x20 OYO
  3. Corner #3 Merkins, x20 OYO
  4. Corner #4 Low Flutter x OYO

Mosey to Cyclebar:

  • Freddy Mercuries x 15 IC (YHC’s fave: homage to the days of doing Monkey Humpers in front of The Rush aka Clown Gym)

Mosey Down 4th, stopping every couple blocks to do an exercise, all the way to Bailey Park Power Plant:

3-man Grinder (evolved into 4-man grinder):

  • While explaining the plan and that there would be 3 stations with the 4th man running between, Lite Brite lamented that there was too much stuff to remember, so each station was effectively: Merkins variant, Leg exercise, Ab Exercise. Repeat until relieved

Pillars of Progress: rather than doing this at Corpening Plaza, YHC counted off 9 train trusses next to Incendiary Brewery and we got it done:

  • Add one burpee per column up through 9. Crowd Pleaser


SMosey back to parking lot, stopping every couple for Broga and exercises


  1. Penguin Crunches: one set outer foot, one set inner foot
  2. American Hammer (called by VG)
  3. Heels to Heaven (called by Roosevelt)



  • Lite Brite took us out thankful for our community of brothers, to look outward as we go this week to help influence and bring light to those around us.


  • If you want to learn about new Opportunities in Life and Finance, talk to Roosevelt. He’s got a plan.
  • It was great to see each of the guys out there: Van Gogh, Lite Brite, Rosie. Each of you bring something different but essential to the workout and the shared experience.  I thank you all





  • Van Gogh
    September 5, 2018 11:22 am

    Nice beatdown, Spicoli! 45 burpees in Pillars of Progress after all the merkins you made me do was just mean. But I liked it!

    • Spicoli
      September 6, 2018 10:53 am

      Definitely one of those “looked good on paper” moments. But i’m glad we did it. Kinda awful with the humidity though…

      Thanks for being out there, VG!

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