First Timer

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 9/24/18

PAX: TMN, DQ, Fingers, Radar, Offsides, Dr. Johnny Fever, Harden

YHC has never been to VI.  I seen the post workout photo and it is always a strong group of men.  After a late night message to Sassy (the site Q) about where they actually meet, I was ready to go.  All I had to do was throw some bricks in the car, pull up google maps and make a plan.  Done, Huckleberry was ready to go.

It was a beautiful morning.  Low 60’s.  low humidity.  perfect.  I pulled into the parking lot at 515 to evaluate the terrain and then, out of nowhere, it started to poor rain.  Interesting.  So I pull up the radar and there it was, the smallest green dot I have ever seen, right over us.  Go out in the rain and set up the course??  Nope, sit in the car and wait it out.

528, rain stops.  I get out and I am quickly joined by the rest of the PAX.  0530…lets go.

Warm o rama

SSH, IW, Abe V, Whirly, Squat, arm circles F and R.

Everyone grab a brick and follow me.  we mosey to the adjacent field and divide the field in half with cones.  Corner #1 – Running.  Corner #2 Pull-up/Merkin.  Corner #3 (with bricks) Lateral raise/ Overhead press.  Corner #4 – Peter Parker/ LBCs.

Break up into groups of 2-3 and go to different corners.  The timer is the runners.  they run 3 laps around the cones and then call switch/rotate.  while they are running, perform the top exercise at your station until fatigue.  go to second exercise until fatigue.  then back to first exercise and so on until the runners have finished.

After 2 rounds, time.  back to the parking lot for mary.

mary:  Harden joins in after a run.  Low flutter, Low Dolly, Freddy Merk all IC x 15.  Low plank for last minute.  FIN.

YHC took us out thanking HIM for our abilities to get after it and praying for us to find those struggling that need F3.

MC:  beautiful morning after the rain but the exercises were rough.  nothing like doing an exercise to fatigue and then coming right back to it again and again.  Great push out there.

The only real MC I heard was Fingers calling out Harden for not posting to a bootcamp in a while – something about too much running and nice soccer arms.

Lots of WeFoCo in the parking lot but elected to run instead of posting; maybe they were insulted by the outsider showing up to their workout.

Sassy I left the car in the ditch.  My bad. Maybe when Harden gets his arms back he can help pull it out.

It was a pleasure gentlemen.  Looking forward to next time.
