The Real Heroes

QIC: Burlap

Date: 30 July 2018

PAX: Bluto, Cheerio, Closer, Glazer, Mutton, Root Canal, Sgt Schultz, Thistle, Burlap


Pax:  Bluto, Cheerio, Closer, Glazer, Mutton, Root Canal, Sgt Schultz, Thistle, Burlap (QIC)

In the early 21st century, with the explosion of media outlets compounded by social media itself in which every person with a phone (nearly everyone) is a potential journalist, we hear a lot of stories about heroes.  We hear exploits of people helping others, often in unusual or unexpected ways.

In fact, among the F3WS Pax, there are many examples of heroes — men who raise thousands of dollars annually for charity, men who quietly give thousands of dollars to churches and other organizations, men who coach all manner of youth sports even when their own child is not on the team (or not very good), men who spend their working lives protecting other citizens, men who spend a lifetime practicing medicine to help others, men who love and support family members through difficult physical and mental disabilities, men who regularly sacrifice personal comfort and freedom for the benefit of family and friends.  YHC can name examples of each of these and suspects the reader can, as well.

And we have some F3 heroes that we don’t formally honor but whom all of us respect.  These are fit guys who are faster, longer, stronger, and tougher than most during F3 workouts and CSAUPs.  As you read this, a name or two comes to your mind of guys who are so fit and strong and fast that you know you will never catch them.  These are unspoken heroes in our minds.

But Your Humble Correspondent writes today in praise of the real heroes in today’s BB of RNG — and YHC will even name names and tell why there are (or are not) heroes.

Group 1 — Fast, Fit Guys — Bluto, Closer, Glazer

These guys eased out of the gate and allowed the Pax to stay near them for a quarter of a mile or so.  But at the first hill, most of the pax stopped talking and started huffing while these three dudes kicked it up a notch.  They put distance between themselves and the Pax and didn’t look back.  Sure, they are in good shape and have gotten consistently faster over that last few years.  Sure, they are young (relatively) and good looking.  But are they heroes?  Verdict:  NO.

Group 2 — Older Fit Dudes — Thistle, Root Canal, Mutton

These guys are all Respects, with Mutton being the youngest.  They can probably keep up with Group 1 but are wise enough not to push it.  They even talk some while they run carefree through the dark streets and are savvy enough to enjoy the fellowship aspect of RNG.  One of them (Mutton) even leaves early to make sure he doesn’t get left behind, even though he was still faster than 1/3rd of the pax.  They are nice guys.  But are they heroes?  Verdict:  NO.

Group 3 — The Slow Ones — Cheerio, Sgt Schultz, Burlap

These guys are there for different reasons.  One is nursing bad knees and lack of cartilage.  One is just a year past a cardiac event.  One is recovering from a bad cold and months of plantar fasciitis.  A couple of them walk periodically while the other often slows to a jog that is the speed of an amble.  These guys look after each other.  They soldier through when all their friends have left them.  They don’t even think about checking out the attractive housewives who are walking their dogs at 6 a.m.  (They are too tired.)  They are too busy thinking and praying about their friends and family to run fast.  They perservere.  They fight the good fight.  Are they heroes?  Verdict:  YES, no doubt.


When all gathered back at the Baptist church with two main aisles, they performed about 13 minutes of bodyweight exercises continually to music based on the Q’s whims and the tempo of the tunes — tunes that were provided by Mother’s Finest, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Van Morrison.

YHC took us out praying for JuiceBox (knee), Peacemaker (back), those struggling with addictions and mental health issues, and thankful for the new day.  Shmedfest is Aug 25.

Seriously, thanks to Cheerio for sticking back with SS and me, and thanks goes to Bluto/Glazer/Closer for running back for the six.






1 Comment

  • Closer
    August 1, 2018 8:38 pm

    Burlap you are a true hero! Nice route and the gunning was strong.

    I enjoyed being dragged along by Skinny Glazer and Bluto. Those boys are fast!

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