Back and Forth and Back Again at Flatline

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 08/14/18

PAX: Van Gogh, Birdhole (F3 Charlotte) (WD), Cheesesteak, Roosevelt, Cherry Pie, Huckleberry, Tubbs, Turnover (WB), Spamalot

Date:  08/14/18

Q:  Spamalot

Pax: Van Gogh, Birdhole (F3 Charlotte) (WD), Cheesesteak, Roosevelt, Cherry Pie, Huckleberry, Tubbs, Turnover (WB), Spamalot


While YHC cannot speak for the rest of the Pax, the whole idea of Flatline is fairly intimidating. YHC remembers many many months ago, when it was launched thinking “no way I am ever going to that AO.” As we all know, things change. Not only posted, but this morning, YHC had the honor of Qing this fine group of men.

Weather was perfect as the group gathered at 1st Presbyterian parking lot. At that point, the Pax numbered 8. At 5:30, with no FNGs present, time to move!



Mosey down 2nd Street to Corpening Plaza, stopping at top of stairs.

SSH x 15, IC

(At this point, Huckleberry joins the Pax!)

Mosey down stairs, across plaza and up the stairs on other side.

Whirly has the Clap x 15, IC

Mosey back to the other side of the plaza.

Copperhead Squats x 12, IC

Mosey back to other side of the plaza.

Overhead claps x 12, IC


Mosey down 1st Street, turning left on Church. Stop at gated, exclusive parking deck. With a wave of the magic wand, YHC opened the gates and the Pax were admitted!


Mosey to NE corner (?) of 1st level of parking deck and ascend the stairs up to the 5th level.


At each NE corner of each level, the Pax would perform 10 reps of the exercise. Once reps done, mosey down one level using the parking ramps (not the stairs) and make your way to the NE corner. Perform 10 reps, and continue this pattern all the way down to the 1st level.


Thus we began with…..Carolina Dry Docks!

Upon reaching and completing the exercises on the 1st level, it was time to head back up.

This time, the exercise was ….the plank jack!

Once on the 5th level, the Pax were overjoyed to learn that the next exercise was …..the LBC!

This time, when on the 1st level, we took the stairs back up to the 5th level.

Mosey all the way down to the entrance of the parking structure.


Mosey across Church street and in front of the large tower and back down Main street to Corpening Plaza. At the top of the stairs, perform:

WWII situps x 10 OYO

Mosey to other side of Plaza

Low flutter x 12 IC

Mosey to other side of Plaza

Low Dolly x 12 IC

Mosey to other side of Plaza

Peter Parker x 12 IC

Mosey to other side of Plaza

Parker Peter x 12 IC

Mosey to other side of Plaza

Penguin Crunch x 20 IC


Mosey back up 2nd Street to the launch point….and we are DONE!



Minimum of 2.54 miles this morning!

Wonderful time with the Pax this morning. Cooler temps, although the humidity was still on!!

Pax seemed to enjoy taking advantage of the cooler temps by heading into a parking deck. #youarewelcome

TCLAPS to the guys in front for circling back to pick up those of us at the back. #pickupthesix

After going for a while without seeing Van Gogh, YHC has had the pleasure of posting with him several times recently. TBH, one of them was at his recent Mayhem Q…which was awful. Who pushes rocks across a parking lot??!!?

Great to see Birdhole again! The first time YHC posted at #Flatline, he was the Q. Hope he enjoys posting with us here in the #DashPax as much as we love having him!

Cheesesteak was his usual self…out front and always in a good mood. Last time YHC saw him was also for a Mayhem Q. He had the Pax jumping over rocks….

Roosevelt was still picking gravel out of his hair from the Brunson parking lot from IS last Saturday.

Another Cherry Pie sighting! YHC has now posted with him three times ever (I think), and two of them have been in the past week!! #trending

Despite the fact that Huckleberry is the proud father of a nearly 2 week old, he continues to post. We almost missed him this morning, but glad he found us!!

Tubbs is visiting from Miami, where he works for the “other” bank in town. Strong work, and make sure to post when you are back up here for business.

First time meeting Turnover. Another young guy (#hate) who was up front. Thanks for pulling/pushing the rest of us. And congrats on the upcoming birth of your child!!


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Shmedfest – August 25th! Want details? Look no further!

Today (and every Tuesday in August) – Wise Man Brewery (6-8 pm). Come on out and drink beer, AND support Shmedfest. Rumor is Plunger is picking up the tab….or maybe not. Come on out!

Prayers for Proehl, who continues to battle with addiction issues.

Continued prayers for the Otto family (Hoser)

Although not mentioned, please keep DQ and his M in your prayers. DQ’s MIL just passed away.


Thanks to everyone for coming out this morning. An honor to spend part of your day with you.

Be good – Spamalot





1 Comment

  • Burlap
    August 14, 2018 10:09 am

    Strong running workout with plenty of exercises thrown in! Proud of you, Spam. Sounds like you went “Round and round — will love find a way? Just give it time. Round and round. What comes around goes around. I’ll tell you why.”

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