3 F’s and a H

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 6/16/18

PAX: BMOC, Total Recall, Inkspot, Root canal, Hot Tub Time Machine (F3 Raleigh), Roosevelt, Drip, green acres, rust bucket, spam, undertow, D day, TMN, landshark, Boomerang, the singing cowboy.

10 Mile runners who joined.
Redeye, blot, closer, ramses.

17 pax joined YHC for a one hour Saturday beatdown.  Mildly offended by the desire to RIRO, I tried to push the pax to adjust to a Run I Ride Out.


Warm – o – rama

Mosey to the field


Mosey to rock pile with butt kickers and high knees.


Break up into groups of 4.  one member grab a large rock.  Mosey back to field and drop off rock at middle cone.

3 cones were set up ~30 yards apart each.  4 man grinders – 2 cycles of each round, as many reps as you can do:

Round 1:

Merkins, Curls with rock, squats at the wall

Round 2:

Rocking chair lunges (learned at WIB this week – forward lunge, reverse lunge, no break – it keeps the leg engaged the entire time and is terrible), Bent over rows, Mike Tyson on the wall

Round 3:

Monkey Humper, rock jump burpees, balls to the wall (once you can’t hold it, plank until your teammate relieves you)


DORA: 30 pull-ups, 100 rocking chair lunges (50 each leg), 200 LBCs, 300 viaducts. – bear crawl out 15 yards, crab walk back.

Mosey to return rocks and back to starting lot.

Mary – peter parker, HHH, Low flutter.


Prayers – Drips son is in Ireland, BMOC’s M is starting a new career, paster at LUMC had heart attack this week (needed emergent open heart surgery).

Announcements – pre schmedfest workout/olympics (family friendly) being designed


All I kept hearing was that everything sucked.  I’ll take that as a compliment.  I believe it was Inkspot who deemed it all the F’s plus an H.  Strong work by everyone.  it was a great group to lead.

Thank you for the keys TR!



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