Run & Gun – 5.14.18 – Summer is Here…

QIC: Zuckerberg

Date: 05/14/2018

PAX: JuiceBox, Closer (WB), Van Pelt (WD), Wiki, Bluto, Zuck (QIC)

JuiceBox, Closer (WB), Van Pelt (WD), Wiki, Bluto, Zuck (QIC)

RUN: (~3.5mi)

  • R onto Polo
  • R onto Wingate (WF entrance off Polo)
  • R onto Carroll Weathers
  • L onto Allen Easley
  • R onto Wake Forest Rd
  • Rt onto Reynolda
  • L onto Polo
  • Take it to the house!!!

Tabata-style… 25 secs on; 10 secs 0ff… 2 exercises per round; alternate exercise reps; should complete 4 sets of each per round

Round 1: Merkins and Low Flutter

Round 2: Dips and Alternating Knee Touches

Round 3: Burpees and Peter Parkers


YHC took us out – thanking Him and asking for His wisdom to utilize F3 as a means to bring glory to Him – not to ourselves.


  • It was hot.  We sweat alot.
  • Route was considered mostly ‘ideal’ by the pax.
  • Great running w/ @VanPelt and catching up with him a bit.  He’s got a crazy sounding 10K race coming up in the mountains.  Good luck @VP!
  • As always, it is an honor to be out there with the pax and leading.  I am always encouraged by others, so thank you.


  • Ultimate Runner





  • Closer
    May 14, 2018 6:32 pm

    Nice route Zuck! Some fast fellas out there.

    Tabata burpees are gnarly

  • BAM
    May 14, 2018 7:36 pm

    Hey! An Ultimate Runner reminder at a workout YHC wasn’t present. Now, if we can just get some pax to join…

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