QIC: Lite Brite

Date: 3/05/2018

PAX: Drama Queen
Off Sides
Lite Brite
Sargent Schultz

This morning we had the Village Idiocy version of #teacherspets. 3 of the pax got after it before the workout and YHC was not among them. Awesome work to Hardin, Drama Queen and Sassy.

Sassy had to cut out a bit early to support his wife who is part of a training/development trial for runners.

Weather was nice and chilly, good to have the chill back in the air for the workout this morning.



SSH (IC),  Copper Head Squat (IC), Peter Parker (IC) Merkins (IC)  Arm Circles (IC) -YHC cut this portion of the workout short and informed the PAX they would Thank me later.

MOSEY TO LOWER TRACK- warm up lap all the way back around to shelter.


40’S– HUGE CROWD PLEASER-   Started off with 30 merkins/10 dips. We decreased and increased by 5 until we were at 10/30.  YHC had to modify at the end.  100 push ups and 100 dips can get your arms tire pretty quick

The next set of 40’s- Box Jumps/ Steps up


MOSEY TO LOWER TRACK– another  lap around track


We stopped up at blocks behind the YMCA but had to improvise and modify as our bricks were in the middle of a construction site.

We partnered up and did some wall work and movement to track.

1ST exercise –  Partner 1 does wall sit  and partner 2 ran to track and bear crawled back to wall / Flip Flop

2ND exercise- Partner 1 does balls to wall and Partner  headed  to track and back/FLIP FLOP


Mosey to track- another lap around a stop at Pull up bars.


PULL UP BARS– 6,5,4,3,2,1- Partners switch off counting down to 1 on pull up bars. YHC was not a lot of assistance to Hardin who was my partner.


Mosey Back to Parking Lot-

Mary.   American Hammer (IC), Low Flutter (IC)  LBC (IC)


MARCH 24th-  Bachelor Party Hike for HEDWIG- preblast to come out this week.

Prayer Requests:

Mary Deakle- who has late stage Ovarian Cancer

Drama Queen- for a very crazy day coming up

YHC took us out. Always good to be back out at one of the first workouts of F3 Winston-Salem. We did have time for a bit of second F and some complaining mumble chatter about my 40’s workout. The 30 something crazies from Nashville did not seem to mind it and it is the second time I have introduced it to F3 WS.

Always good to start the week off with the Pax, and great to see #OFFSIDES at the midweek workouts.


Peace Out




  • Burlap
    March 5, 2018 9:30 pm

    That looks bad, LB. Even the box jumps with step ups. Strong work.

    • Spicoli
      March 6, 2018 6:24 am

      Agreed. Sorry to miss. That LB is a jerk…

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