The Other NCAA Tournament and A Little St Patricks Day

Date: 03/17/2018

PAX:  Ink Spot, Bulldog, Boomerang, Green Acres, Light Brigade, Undertow, Total Recall, Tuco, Hoptoberfest, Drama Queen


Busy work weeks and back to back Q duties led to limited planning for this workout.  Sure we could do something around St Patrick’s Day but everyone was doing that.  How about something related to the NCAA tournament – the one on ESPN.  Wrestling.  I would just pull out some of my old standard that YHC knows the pax loves and we’d all have fun.

A decent # of pax were there on time considering all the other distractions of the day – 1st Pres retreat and Break something runners.  8 began on time to be quickly joined by Green Acres, the RIRO specialist.  Bulldog would join us much later but better late than never.

The thang went something like this:




Arm Swirlies

OH Claps

Abe Vigodas

Whirly w/clap

Mtn Climbers

Plank jacks

Dynamic warmups

Apollo Creeds

Butt Kickers

Hi knees


Zuckerberg Bounds

Run Lap

To field – circle up

Wrestling drills

Single legs (lunges) R/L

Single leg defense (rev lunges) R/L

Stand ups R/L



To Blarney Stones


OH Press

Bent over rows

Skull crushers

Take rocks to field


Partner up

P1 runs with rock approx. 25 yards and holds rock above head while looking up. Spins 5 times and then runs back

P2 does squats with rock until P1 returns – flapjack

3 rounds

Back for another round with the blarney stones

Curls, OH Press, Bent over rows, Skull crushers

Put stones back

Back to field and refresh memory on wrestling drills and add sprawl (up downs)

Gut drill – run in place till Q calls hit it – sprawl and do called drill (ie lunge, stand up) until Q calls run again

Run one more lap

Sumo drill


LBCs and American Hammer




Pax demographic on the respect side today.  Thanks for hanging out with the old guys – TR, Tuco and Hoptoberfest

Some grumbling on wrestling drills especially the sit outs aka Dry Dock Crabs – a few are starting to catch on but still work to do

Some pax didn’t think Bent over rows qualifies as “resting your arms” .  Just trying to mix up the over head stuff

Drunken Irish run had potential for disaster but pax powered through possibly from previous experience in such a state

After the workout Ink Spot pointed out lack of merkins  – Cobains – forgot to add them back after taking them out.  No one pointed out lack of burpees


Boomerang’s VQ next Wed at Bells and Whistles.  If you don’t have a bell don’t let that stop you other pax are equipped and glad to provide

Third F opportunity next weekend at Mt Tabor UMC – Original Holy Week play The Old Ragged Tent – come see Sgt Schultz and YHC perform in this contemporary telling of Holy Week story.


Undertow asked for prayers for parents as they are getting to that late stage of life. YHC pointed out many of us in similar circumstances

YHC took us out asking that we make a difference in our corner of the world.


Always an honor