5/4 of people admit they are bad with fractions…

QIC: Plunger (dbl down)

Date: 2/26/2018

PAX: Tuco, Manscape (WD), Burns(WB-Tie), Palin, Litter Box, Hazer, Fokker, Whirly, Drama Queen, Lemming, Pan Handler, Jar Jar, Gelding (WB-Tie), Cheese Steak, Chisel, Break something Crew (The Vig, Cherio, Beverly, Resistor, Whirly (dbl down), Palin(dbl down),Walter White, Ramses, Glazer, Zuckerburg, Bueller, Mongoose, WInklevoss, Balco, Plunger

16 Estate goers and 15 Break something entered into the Estate COT this morning, some enduring more “fantastic jokes” than others. Similar to the Dream that the muffler had last night, the Pax ended exhausted!

The Estate PAX did something like this:

SSH x 20, IST x 15, Mountain Climbers x 10, Peter Parker x 10, Parker Peter x 10, Abe Vigoda x 10, and Copperhead Squat x 10.

The Thang
On to the circle at the back of the barn for some fast feet (Rocky Balboas) x 20, the the wheel of Merkins x 8 each rotation.
Then a brisk mosey for speed bumps on our way to the Wake Forest Quad – speed bumps consisted of Assorted merkins “on my down” (regular, diamond, wide, ranger)
Stop near teh library to partner up for 30 burpees as a team with running to the top of the stairs.
Thn to teh quad for a collision course – partners run in opposite direction around the quad and meet. on meeting partner 1 planks on partner 2’s feet while partner 2 does 20 WWII situps
Lassie run back to the start looping back to shepherd home the six. Only to be joined by the Break Something Pax for Mary

Box Cutters, Low flutter, Rosalita, Mutton Crunches, Freddie Mercries, The Big O – L/R, LBC’s, and Snow Angels

Palin and YHC will not share the ridiculous routing they took on the way from the track back to the Estate start. #neededthemap
Whirly just thought he was going to meet everyone back at the start! Way to jump in on the Collision Course
Drama Queen was a pathetic straight man (no help holding up the applause sign), but we still love him and appreciate him making the Trek from Davie County
Litter Box is fast, somebody get that man a Snickers bar
Kotters to Lemming who remarked something about not losing all of his extra lbs from the F3 layoff in a single workout – #you’rewelcome
There was a unnamed mummer about the pace of the mosey. Hey the Pax was strong and a push was due.
Ramses Saturday Clemmons run was still getting mixed reviews as the chatter was beginning for where tomorrow’s launch would occur
Hazer is back! Serious miles rigor today
Manscape is really starting rival Mongoose with all of his surly comments, we are just going to have to calm him down
Buehler was audible heard as he was cutting his own path to teh track
Glazer has forever been renamed Glaze as he continues to drop weight
Approximately 3.67 Miles today, 5.67 by YHC watch for EC included

Fokker, Bernie, Cream Pie opening a pub, soft open this Wednesday for F3 – 400 South Green Street – West Salem Public House, time not given, see Slack or DM Fokker
Shmedfest – August 25, 2018 – and yes RH Barringer will be delivering the beer trailer on Friday night so beverages after the beat down convergence Saturday morning

YHC took the Pax out giving thanks for the day, these men and the ability to work out together

The jokes that were endured today were:
A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender says, ‘Sorry we don’t serve food here.
Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? They say he made a mint.
Why do chicken coops only have two doors? Because if they had four, they would be chicken sedans!
Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water? Because he was a little horse!
Two peanuts were walking down the street. One was a salted.
How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it!
Two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks.
A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection. Judge says, ‘First offender?’ She says, ‘No, first a Gibson! Then a Fender!’
I had a dream that I was a muffler last night. I woke up exhausted!

Huckleberry thanks for the keys today. Who’s up for Redline tomorrow. I think Ill Q and we might do some more running!

Tuco, Manscape (WD), Burns(WB-Tie), Palin, Litter Box, Hazer, Fokker, Whirly, Drama Queen, Lemming, Pan Handler, Jar Jar, Gelding (WB-Tie), Cheese Steak, Chisel, Break something Crew (The Vig, Cherio, Beverly, Resistor, Whirly (dbl down), Palin(dbl down),Walter White, Ramses, Glazer, Zuckerburg, Bueller, Mongoose, WInklevoss, Balco, Plunger

1 Comment

  • Sour Mash
    February 26, 2018 5:54 pm

    Why does Snoop Dog carry and umbrella? Fo Drizzle!

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