Places to Go No Time to Waste

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 11/21/2017

PAX: Hazer, BAM, Beverly, Root Canal, Mutton, Lite Brite, Thistle, TPS, Pita, Swipe Right, Hedwig, Shingles (FNG), DQ

YHC is a rare poster at Flatline primarily because Parliament is the closest AO to my house.  But original site Q Beverly signed me up months ago so the time was here.  YHC is familiar with the AO having posted to numerous UAs and thought how about a trip to Old Salem – never done during any of my UA postings.  It is a little far but when you don’t warm up as YHC thought the custom was for Flatline you can make it down there and back in plenty o time.

At 0530 Verizon time we began and the pax galloped down Cherry and 1st St following a Q who was on a mission knowing the distance we had to cover.  This early exit from the parking lot would prove to be significant to the aforementioned Beverly.

A variety of dynamic SSHs, butt kickers, hi knees, cariocas and maybe something else took us from Cherry to Main.  Where we stopped for a brief first Thanksgiving lesson and learned according to the know all source Wikipedia, some of the meats served by the Pilgrims were seal and lobster.  Therefore seal claps and dry dock lobsters (aka DQ’s dry dock crabs)

Mosey on the coffee pot on Main and perform 10 each leg of one leg dead lifts – we kinda looked like coffee pots.  One beverage for the meal taken care of.

On to the baker where we did a few things for our buns – squantos (see what I did there) and J Los.

On to the square where we did a small four corners with Cabbage pickers, Turkey humpers, pickle pounders and Merkins (because Thanksgiving is a great ‘Merican holiday) 10 oyo at each corner with a repeat.

Back up first with a speed bump at the coffee pot.  Then over to the strollway and to the parking lot under the I-40 bridge where we found some rocks that reminded YHC of footballs – another great Thanksgiving tradition.  We first curled them because you’re often curling a beverage while watching football. Then we did bent over rows (snapping) overhead press (Touchdown) and finally we put our hands behind our head as if taking a nap and did a few skull crushers.

Back up the strollway to 1st then back up Cherry to the parking lot which allowed us enough time for Sumo Drill which prepared us for those family fights that we get into after a long day of eating, drinking and rooting for different teams.

Finally some Mary which included many of our favorites some called by other pax.

We’re done!


Our prompt departure left Beverly behind and he ran around downtown searching for us which at his speed he covered about 10 miles in 42 minutes.  He did show up in time for countarama and COT so his attendance counts.

Welcome FNG Shingles fka Chris Ryer (sp?) – brought by Hedwig.  Shingles has worked in roofing at some point in his young life but that was lost on the Q who was much more interested in PA, baseball and him being another doctor in our midst.  My recording device confirms he said something about roofing which Beverly (possibly others) picked up on.  When “Shingles” was nominated YHC was clueless where that came from.  #Qshouldpayattention

Thistle seems to have an almost unhealthy interest in the Charlie Rose story that was hot off the presses #f3noshowerzone

On a somewhat related note, a couple of the young pax seemed to know exactly where the Salem College dorms are

Great mix of respects, ayes, hates, and hate hates as well as long time dash pax and newcomers

Admittedly the theme was a little weak – not many food related exercises in the f3 lexicon but it was fun to venture down to Old Salem

Lots of MC but isn’t that why we come – at least it is for BAM


YHC took us out giving lots of thanks.

Always an honor -DQ



1 Comment

  • Nick Ashburn
    November 22, 2017 12:46 am

    Great workout Drama Queen! Really enjoyed pushing the AO boundaries and the food theme. Thanks for the beatdown.

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