Village Idiots Turned #BBBCers

QIC: Sour Mash

Date: 10/27/2017

PAX: Drama Queen, Harden, Schneider, Sgt. Schultz, Spam-A-Lot, Sour Mash

So, this happened!  Harden, Schneider and YHC launched at 0517.  Harden went the Peace Haven to Harper route, Schneider and YHC went the way of the back track, over a ditch and onto a private road then to Harper, surely thinking Harden would catch us.  Nope!  Didn’t see him the rest of the time.

DQ, Sgt. Schultz and Spam-A-Lot launched at 0530.  Rumor has it that Sgt. Schultz channeled his inner Rudolph and lit the way for the 2nd group!

Rumor also has it that Harden entered and exited the woods and not to do his #WhirlyBusiness.  Apparently that was part of the route that Schneider and YHC couldn’t find.  YHC has a habit of getting “lost” on these #BBBC routes because no one is satisfied with a straight RIRO route.  Nevertheless, I always seem to find my way home!

Always a pleasure getting lost with the #BBBC PAX.

Original Pre-Blast below


This week’s edition of #BBBC will launch from #VI.  Link to route below.  Only a 2.3 mile route, but you there are options to add distance.

Option #1 to add distance is to run around the lake behind Morgan Elementary a few extra times then head back to pass Go.

Option # 2 to add distance is to run the route dos times.  Dos is two in Spanish, just FYI.  #Spanglish

Hope to see the regulars and some new faces!