Get Up Fancy

QIC: Toe Tag

Date: 10/25/17

PAX: FNG Palmetto Bug (Andrew Seymore), Burlap (WD), Hedwig (WB), Gusher, Pita, Zuckerberg, Bluto, BMOC, Resistor, The Singing Cowboy, Cobra, BAM, Interference, Lace,

There was some questions trending on Twitter about who the Q would be for the best kettlebell and sprint workout available to the Dash Pax. YHC had not put out the obligatory pre blast or any marketing for the event. At the last minute a promise went out that guaranteed the Pax that they would hear music they would not like and do exercises that they hated. Despite the lack of mass marketing, we had a sizeable crowd with a brave yet weary traveler (FNG) from the southern part of our fair city.

As the clock struck 0530, the music was started and the disclaimer was given and off we went.



Mosey around the circle

SSH x 20

IST x 20

Copperhead Squats x 15

Hillbillies x 15

Whirlies with Clap x 15


The Thang:

All the work was done in 45 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest format and proper form was emphasized over number of reps


Good Mornings



Goblet Squats

Run around the circle

Single Leg 1 Arm KB Press R

Single Leg 1 Arm KB Press L

Stagger Stance Front Raise R

Stagger Stance Front Raise L

Run around the circle

Cross Pulls R

Cross Pulls L

Supine Chest Press R

Supine Chest Press L

Run around the circle

The next two rounds were the first movements of the Turkish Get Up broken down into stages and the movements were repeated over and over trying to establish proper form and develop the muscle memory to be able to do the full movement in the future  Follow this link to see what we did so that you can follow along at home

Arm Up with Bell in Right hand and Right Knee bent transfer weight to elbow and then to hand keeping your hips on the ground

Go from this ending position to a high bridge keeping your Right arm up with the weight

Arm Up with Bell in Left hand and Left Knee bent transfer weight to elbow and then to hand keeping your hips on the ground

Go from this ending position to a high bridge keeping your Left arm up with the weight

Run around the circle

From the high bridge position bring the foot Left foot back and end in a kneeling position while keeping the weight in the air with the Right arm

From a kneeling position stand up while keeping the Right arm up with the weight

From the high bridge position bring the foot Right foot back and end in a kneeling position while keeping the weight in the air with the Left arm

From a kneeling position stand up while keeping the Right arm up with the weight

Run around the circle

Step Up and Press R

Step Up and Press L

Split Squats R

Split Squats R

Run around the circle

American Hammer with Bell

Flutter Kicks with Bell in Air



Starting the warmarama with a run is a great way to get the MC express in high gear right off the bat.

Our FNG (Andrew Seymore) is a native of SC who went to Clemson for undergrad and MUSC for medical school. Several names were tossed around but it was decided that #Perv would not trend the right way. Palmetto came up and then it became Palmetto Bug and that he could be called PB, Palmetto or Bug or any variation of these names. He was a good sport about this and was happy to be a part of the group this am.

The deconstructed Turkish Get Up was a big hit and the emphasis of form over reps had folks really working hard and the Pax were smart in the use of modifications as needed.

YHC said that people always talk about the Turkish Get Up but there are only a few Pax that can do them properly.   The response to this was, “We don’t talk about them”. This is why YHC had said in the promotional material that we would do exercises that people would hate.

YHC has a habit of trying to pick exercises that YHC struggle with. There is no shortage of exercises that challenge YHC but improvement will not come from extra reps on the couch.

Thanks to the Pax for coming out and supporting YHC today as we stumbled through the work this morning.

Apparently Hedwig is not so nice in some situations.

There was discussion between Hedwig and Pita about trying to kill each other in the pool regularly. They did follow that up with an invite for others to join them for a pool session soon.

Some MC floated around during YHC’s cadence and SSH form in particular.

Zuck did not disappoint with his attire this am. YHC wasn’t sure if they were arm warmers or a homemade convertible short sleeve shirt.

The title is a play on the “Shut up Fancy” comment from Zuck last week.

Interference is looking more than ready for the Savannah Marathon next month.

Zuck and Bluto are also ready for the Richmond full and half Marathon (respectively) next month this is coming on the heels of their strong performance at the Bourbon Chase a couple of weeks ago.



The Mega is this Saturday in Greensboro. It is a low running event which will allow the Pax to stay together and make it manageable for anyone that get through a typical Saturday workout. Clown Cars leaving First Pres parking lot Saturday at 0600. Contact Burlap for detailed Clown Car information.

Prayer Requests:

Please remember Whirly and his family as the deal with the loss of his mother over the weekend.

Please remember Palmetto Bug’s family, his aunt died suddenly last night

YHC’s 96 year old Grandmother-in-law is in the hospital for pneumonia

Also remember Rust Bucket was having an MRI today  to figure out if he will be sporting Das Boot for the next relay.

YHC took us out asking for help and guidance through the challenges and struggles that we all face and that we may or may not speak of and asked us all to be the change that we want to see in the world


  • Burlap
    October 25, 2017 4:43 pm

    “Improvement will not come from extra reps on the couch.” Aye. Well said and well done, TT. Good group today. Always good to be at BNW.

    • Henderson McGinnis
      October 25, 2017 8:31 pm

      Thanks. Agreed that it is always great to be out with the BnW crew

  • Resistor
    October 25, 2017 5:59 pm

    Q Feedback 🙂

    GOOD: Run around the circle

    BAD: From the high bridge position bring the foot Left foot back and end in a kneeling position while keeping the weight in the air with the Right arm. Extend the tongue until slightly brushing the left nostril , close one eye alternating to the right nostril if desired

    Great Q thanks for leading us the AM !

    • Henderson McGinnis
      October 25, 2017 8:30 pm

      You already have the description for the next set. May have to get you to lead that last part.
      Actually, we did not have enough time to do the get back down and we will try to do the whole movement next time. Look for these opportunities at a workout near you.

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