Trying for a PR at OG (And Failing)

QIC: Hoptoberfest

Date: 9/29/17

PAX: Forklift, Poncho, Razzy, Swiss Miss, Wiki, Cobra, Burlap, Tuco, Walter White, Mr Hand, Interference, Beverly, Winkelvoss, Balco, Manscape (WD), Chomper, Peacemaker, Bakes (Former FNG Phillip Summers), Shakes, Zuck, Bluto, Toto, Glazer, Cheerio, Van Pelt, BooBoo, Sack (WB), Mongoose, Juice Box, Red Eye, Sassy, Patch, Hoptoberfest (QIC)

32 pax joined YHC for my attempt to set an OG PR on a cool, comfortable morning.  A relatively simple route finished with a long downhill was not enough however, and YHC ended up ~1 minute short.  With no “The Vig” to chase this time, it wasn’t meant to be.

It seemed as though the pax found the route enjoyable, so maybe I didn’t do my job.

Bakes is so named due to Shakes EHing him.  YHC thinks about EHing as creating a tree of influence, and thus enjoys those names where they are related to the pax who EHed them.  Thus the suggestion Bakes (Shakes n Bakes).  Pax agreed and we had it quickly.  He’s a Faithful Feet Singlet runner which lead to suggestions of singlet which pax thought was too easy.

Apparently the simple route was even too much for Tuco who started out earlier than the rest of the Pax, but got lost straightaway.  Kudos to him for plowing through and doing his own route and not giving up.

Announcements: Lunch Bunch at Bibs 11:45, Beer Run planning session @ 7:30 Wednesday @ Fiddlin’ Fish.  RAH is 10/22/17.

Burlap took us out thankful for the men of DashPax and a safe, comfortable morning run!


  • The Vig
    September 29, 2017 10:05 am

    Solid looking route. YHC is taking a hiatus from OGs to prepare for a marathon on 11/7. When YHC returns we can start to work in that PR.

  • Jeremy Pattisall
    September 29, 2017 10:12 am

    Stellar route Hoptoberfest!

    It was a pleasure running with Beverly this morning, at least for a few miles, until he needed to amp up his heart rate. See ya at COT.

    Great to see Mongoose back to regular speed on Country Club—fast. Patch & Walter White right there with Mongoose at the fasty pace even after 11+ miles on Thursday–impressive.

    Shakes was cordial and talkative as usual—even when I was sucking wind. Love how casual running is for him.

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