The original golf themed workout

QIC: Mongoose

Date: 08/12/17

PAX: Starfish, Whirly, Deep Blue, Drama Queen, Fingers, Spicoli, Mongoose

Despite the presence of imposter golf-themed workouts at IS and, earlier in the week, TRQ, 7 Pax posted to the original golf-themed workout for the Dash.  #DawgPoundGolf is always a crowd pleaser, so we ran around Tanglewood Park for ~4 miles and 9 holes with a high degree of difficulty.  Not sure of everyone’s score, but seems like some course records were being set out there.

The thang is too long to write, but we did lots of merkins, Jack Reachers, WWII sit-ups, wide merkins, OH claps, lunges, Ranger merkins, squats, and plank jacks. 60 – 90 seconds per exercise with set amounts for par, etc.

We made it as far as the golf course, then turned back.


Schmedfest is Saturday August 26 at Triad Park in Kernersville.  @Plunger is your host.  He’s trying to raise a total of $50K for Crisis Control ministry.  Let’s help him get there.  Food, bands, and beer available.  Park is huge with stuff for kids to do too.

F3 Expansion is blowing up.  Several cities on the docket for the fall.  @Starfish is our local Expansion Q.  He’s moving to Austin, TX, so of course that is one of the expansion cities.  Chicago, St. Louis are two others.  Let him know if you are interested in helping out.

Give2Give campaign is going strong in support of Expansion.  F3 Foundation funds the travel costs for launch Qs, and this is a way to help fund it.  F3 is free, but if you feel moved to donate, please do so.  Even $5 will help out.


Spicoli showed up on #SpicoliTime.

Deep Blue is in his second week with F3WS.  Working hard out there, trying to get stronger.  He survived today so I think he’s gonna make it.

Starfish won the sweat award again today, although it was a close battle with Spicoli’s headband.

Butter did not post.  Probably passed out after drinking too much Tito’s on the GnR tour bus after the show last night.



  • David Ratcliffe
    August 13, 2017 1:52 am

    Mostly just on here trying out the website but you pushed us as always Mongoose and without being particularly surly today. Glad Fingers could learn some golf lingo

  • Spicoli
    August 14, 2017 10:42 am

    Mongoose, that was a sufferfest for YHC. Solid beatdown with a lot of distance for non-#FastHoles.

    Good to sweat it out with the PAX and my partners of DQ & sWhirly

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