Red Pill Blue Pill Redline

QIC: Patch

Date: 8/22/17

PAX: Burlap, Sac, Valdez, Wiki, Fingers, Mr. Hand, Peacemaker, Manscape

9 Pax gathered for some speed work while several other Pax slunk away to pretend to run hills nearby.

The morning started with a choice presented to Mr. Hand: Blue Pill or Red Pill.  Not recalling the Matrix, he chose the Blue Pill.  (YHC had to look it up to remember, but the Blue Pill is the one where Neo goes back to sleep living in the easy fake world.  The Red Pill is the tough way forward to tackle the Matrix).  YHC knew there was no way Mr. Hand would choose the easy way out intentionally.

Fortunately for the health of the pax, there was no easy way out today.  The Blue Pill read, “drop and do 10 Merkins and then take the Red Pill you pansy!”  Mr. Hand dutifully ironed out a tenth of a #Benjamin and then took the Red Pill which read: “nothing sexy, 3 one-mile repeats with a 400 jog in between.”

We then mosied over to the track and warmed up for a 400 with some high-knees, butt-kickers, and carioca before starting out on our miles.

The pax was remarkably compliant and had little negative mumblechatter.  Props to a positive pax!  It’s true, there isn’t anything sexy about it.  Mile repeats are like the burpee of track, but it is impossible to do them and not get faster!

At 6:05 the call was made to head to the start where we paired up into a 5×400 relay with one team running a guy twice.  Fingers split the extra lap with YHC but smoked his 200 so that I didn’t have any time to rest for mine.


Prayers for Burlap’s M’s step-dad whose funeral service was today.  Shmedfest this Saturday to support Crisis Control.  4 bands will play including Fingers.  RSVP if attending.  There is a 90 min convergence Saturday morning prior to the evening fun.  Lysol’s 9 man BRR team needs another runner.  Apparently one of their guys who will remain anonymous, (Ice Dancer) had a last minute (scheduled for months) conflict that he can’t get out of (scared of BRR hills).  Contact Lysol if you like running hills.

YHC took us out praying for the privilege we have in our health and in having great community resources such as this great track.  We prayed for our country and our community and that we would learn to, as God commanded, love one another and be able to have respectful conversation even if we disagree.   We finished praying that we would be better leaders of our families and our communities.

As always, thanks for the privilege to Q and thanks for the positive attitude.  There was no gloom despite a mundane, challenging workout- just positivity!!!

Philippians 2:14