Miscounted Pax

QIC: Mongoose

Date: 8/28/17

PAX: Zuckerberg, Beverly, Total Recall, Ramses, Walter White, Balco, Mongoose

7 Pax (not 6) posted for an 8 mile “mosey” around Sherwood Forest this morning.  With the temps dropping nicely, it would have seemed like a waste to not put in some distance, so the SpeedTrap format was adjusted for today.


No need to bore you with the route, but it was about 8 miles with a minimal amount of elevation change.



Shmedfest is 363 days away.  Watch your email for tickets.


Consider donating to the Red Cross to help those in need in Texas right now.  Severe flooding is impacting thousands.


If you haven’t already given, consider a donation to the Give2Give campaign that will help launch F3 in other cities.  F3WS is holding down 4th place right now, but there are rumors that certain regions have been collecting money and waiting until the end to send it.  Sort of a sneak attack on the Top 4.  Let’s do our best to stay in the top.  Every $5 helps.


No scheduled First Gear tomorrow.  If you want to run hills, go for it sadclown style.  Or, call for a First Gear and see who shows up.  Somebody will.



Cobains to the Pax for my miscount this morning.  I either didn’t count myself or Walter White.  It honestly wasn’t TR even though those accusations were made online this morning.


T-claps to the weather for not sucking this morning.


Reminder to be cautious when out running in the dark.  We had a bit of a close call this morning with a driver not paying attention and/or not yielding any space.  And yes, there was safety gear being worn.





  • BAM
    August 28, 2017 6:01 pm

    Thanks for fulfilling your requirement and for proper counting skills. The home office appreciates good accounting.

    Good work and thankful y’all are safe!

  • Zuckerberg
    August 28, 2017 6:07 pm

    Nice route. Nice weather. Nice pace. And the company way… “okay”.

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