Lord! a Leaping at TRQ!

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 2-29-2024

PAX: Bam, Wobegon (WB), Argyle, Goggles, the Pony Express, YHC (WD, Q)

An extra day to workout with our friends this year!  YHC left late to join the Run Club before TRQ and encountered Bam on his way back to Speas so turned around and he was kind enough to slow to a mosey the rest of the way. He got in the 2 miles and I think Wobegon went a little further. We gathered and realized we had a visitor. Goggles DR from Kinston introduced himself. In town for a conference and then Wobegon realized they were going to the same conference!  Photo evidence followed.
But back to TRQ business. YHC was substi-Q for Splash who remembered he didn’t get up for 530a workouts anymore. 😄🤷‍♂️ Jumped in to Warmarama:  SSH, Imp Walkers, Abe V, Whirlies, arm circles, Y-flies, Mike Phelps, 1 slow squat held a while. Then time for Leaping. The reason I had asked Splash to Q was his terrible Purgatory Leap Day Q 4 yrs ago. I still remember how sore I was after the 6 sets of 29 squat jumps we started with. So…let’s do that again! We wandered around the bus parking lot doing our 6 sets of 29 jump squats, finishing at the flagpole. Then worked our way across the next parking lot stopping at each traffic island for 29 merkins, so 5 sets of those. Then on to the playset for 3 rounds of 10 pull-ups or chin-ups and 29 LBC’s.
Then on to the rocks. 29 reps of curls, skull crushers, bent rows, OH press, chest press, and lo-flutter. Then more curls and SC and then carefully place rocks on designated support rock. Oh, that was just YHC. 😀. Anyhoo…to the Wall!  Bam agreed to be the timekeeper for a 1 min wall sit and 1 min BTTW. Then slow mosey back to flagpole for Mary:  Mutton crunches, Heels to Heaven, Freddie Merc, and 3 Huckleberry merkins.  Done

Argyle took us out with a nice prayer for aging family members, peace, and help with being a good example to others in our lives.
Tried to wear everyone out, and it worked on me anyway! 🥵.  Goggles had no problem with any of it. Dude’s a minister/beast. 👏😄. All seemed to enjoy it and I heard no complaints. Was a pleasure to lead this group of HIM.