born to walk

The pax assembled, after a preblast promising no running. Many of the pax in wefoco are off to run a race this weekend. All the pax who had not q’d were encouraged to go to q school with burns. Most of the site q’s attended IS for q...

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Lord! a Leaping at TRQ!

An extra day to workout with our friends this year!  YHC left late to join the Run Club before TRQ and encountered Bam on his way back to Speas so turned around and he was kind enough to slow to a mosey the rest of the way. He got in the 2 miles...

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It pays to be a winner

It was a chilly 38 degree morning on the first day of March in the year of our Lord 2024.  YHC had gotten up early to roll downtown to see a route by which we could get a few miles in, along with multiple rounds of body weight calisthenics.  I...

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