One Sock Q

QIC: @woodpecker

Date: 2/28/2024

PAX: @manscape, @bam, @F3 Singing Cowboy, @Airbag, @Transcript, @Chowdah, @Atrophy - Glen Phares, @Starfish, @Woodpecker

The morning started well…until I hit the snooze button too many times. I lept out of bed at 5:24…grabbed a pile of clothes…jumped in the car and made my hurried way to Greenbrier Farms. Upon arriving at the Clubhouse I put on one sock and shoe…went to look for another sock and realized it was not to be found. It was at this moment I realized…I will Q this workout with sock on.

By 5:34 the assembled PAX had already completed SSH and something else. I took over with some stretching and we headed to the road for a brief run. We ran about 200 yards…stopped…ran back 200 yards…did 10 Merkins…turned around ran 200 yards…5 Merkins…ran back to the beginning and did 10 Merkins.

Our next exercise were Sleep Walkers:

  • 1 squat, 2 Toe Touches, 3 Lunges
  • 2 squat, 4 Toe Touches, 6 lunges
  • 10 squat, 20 toe touches, 30 lunges

Followed by, The Cooper

  • 1 lap around circle…10 skull crushers, 10 curls, 10 bent over rows
  • 1 lap around circle…9 skull crusher, 9 curls, 9 bent over rows
  • 1 lap round circle…1 skull crusher, 1 curl, 1 bent over row

Followed by a set of exercises on cardboard stations:

Station 1: Seal Jacks, *Squats*, Mountain Climbers, *Skull Crushers*

Station 2: *Curls Right*, Shoulder Taps, *Curls Left*, Freddy Mercury

Station 3: Merkins, *Bent over Row Right*, WW II, *Bent over Row Left*

Station 4: Imperial Storm Troopers, *KB Swings*, LBCs, *Russian Twists*


Time was of the essence so we moved on to the main course: The Hunter Gatherer Scavenger Hunt

-Divide PAX into 2 groups

-Hunters have 2 minutes to hide kettle bells…Gatherers complete “Station 1 Exercises”

-Gatherers have 1 minutes to find the kettle bells until the Hunters are released

-If you are attacked by a “Hunter” you must do 10 burpees

-Hunters and Gatherers swap roles

A few things were learned by this last activity. Some PAX were better than others at hiding the Kettlebells. I think @Chowdah hid his so deep in a bush that it took him, @Starfish, and @BAM several minutes to dig it out. Also, @Manscape is quite good at hiding kettlebells AND sneaking around the scavenger course. It appears he tried to misdirect “gatherers” by returning from his hiding place in a different direction.

Lots of fun gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity to lead and for entertaining my childish shenanigans. My sincerest apologies for being late.


Sweet Tea opens his restaurant today in Clemmons, Spaghetti Park. Go out and support him!

Greennest, this weekend (I think).

Prayer Requests:

-Woodpecker: friend of the family is in the hospital with diabetes related illnesses, does not look good, his name is Dick Smith.

-Transcript: find and support a GAS Group…build healthy community of like minded men


Thanks for the keys @Atrophy. See you all again soon.