A Green Star for the Winner of WIB

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 2/1/2024

PAX: Starfish, Crash, Palin, Draftee, Rollback (WB), Zima (grouchy), Root Canal (WD), Spicoli (QiC)

When Root Canal aka Dr. Toot aka Tootankhamun asks you to Q for WIB, you are darn well gonna Q for WIB.  A crisp but not terribly cold morning yielded 7 other jabronis at Thruway, in between the Talbots and former Stein Mart, to bring our host to a party of 8.  Once the preblast was entered, PAX started some good rousing of each other to challenge who would be the best at WIBing.

The routine was simple (although certain people didn’t hang back to hear all the instructions so they had to do extra).  Each round was Burpees (roll 2 dice) and a list of exercises that would be cumulative after each lap completed.  For the list of exercises, 4 Dice were thrown.  Again this was confusing to those who left before instructions were finished, but what can you do…

Peter Parkers DC
Bridge to No Where (Glute Bridge)
Mike Tysons
Sumo Squats
Freddy Mercuries DC
Shoulder Taps DC
Bonnie Blairs or Alt Lunges DC

Everyone made it through 7 rounds with the lead group (Rollback, Draftee, and Zima) ready for their 8th but time was close.

The count for squats (February’s Challenge exercise of the month) was 156 although the lead group may have gotten in 18 or so more.



  • Palin had a praise.  Yukon Cornelius had a health scare but is on the mend.  Mom and Dad are very grateful he got the attention he needed.
  • Rollback asked for healing for his M who has shoulder surgery with disappointing results.  It’s a frustrating experience so wrap Leanne, Rollback, and their family in your caring and spiritual embrace.
  • YHC asked for the gift of patience.  I’ve been in short supply lately and that isn’t a good look for my poor family, especially my young daughter.

YHC took us out with words of praise for F3 and the group of men who showed up for the workout.  That Palin and Rollback’s families get the healing they need.  YHC ended with something close to
Patience is a virtue that we all need more of in our lives. That we seek it for the benefit of what it may bring to us and those around us.
That we acknowledge the past, but not live in it.
That we look to the future, but not get lost in it.
That we live in the here and now intentionally, practicing patience when it’s called for. And that we may go into the world with peace and love in our hearts.”


  • Zima out MCed Palin (quite a feat) from the start.  Upon seeing the cardboard, belligerence started about how I was copying Burns (correct!).  Then it was the warmup was for suckers.  Then which direction will be running. But before the full directions were given?  Off he goes!  YOU’RE NUMBER 1!!!
    • Love you big, Zima! 🙂
    • And since he was first, I offered to draw a Green Star on his forehead.  I did not get taken up on this offer.
  • While YHC initially shushed him, Palin’s MC once Zima was out of sight was to go ahead and roll the dice and get in the exercises so that Zima would start out behind.  I like the cut of that guy’s jib.  Also, #DashStrong effort as the man Ran in to the AO from home.
  • Draftee sent out a preblast comment “LET’S GO!” to Rollback who pushed him the last time out.  All I know both those dudes were running fast and for some reason wanted to be around Mr. Grumpy the whole workout.
  • Starfish aka Mr Babyface showed up with a clean face ready to get to work.  Unstoppable Force that man is and I’m proud to call him friend.
  • Crash was out there getting at it.  The man works hard and kept at it.
  • Dr. Toot decided to decent to mere mortal levels of movement and hung back with YHC around the buildings.  Great chance to catch up and YHC learned about some of the stores that used to be there: Hickory Farm, a branch of the library, Food Fare, and a toy store called Tiny Town.  Still we got at it and it’s that kind of push that motivates me in the right way.
  • Thank you as always for the opportunity to lead.  That accountability is incredibly valuable in my life.