Alcatraz….I think that’s what it is called….

QIC: Cruiser

Date: 1/20/2024

PAX: Adobe, Subfloor, Wooly Bugger, Dr Toot, Zima, Swiftie, Rubber Ducky, U-turn, Ziffle

It was a freezing sub-20’s morning and despite attending Super Max, YHC’s brain was frozen and not working. It started the night before after doing some outdoor work, followed by aspirations of a prisoner themed workout. The preblast hinted at something prison related and I thought I could come up with something……..That didn’t work out so well. After struggling for 20 min with no creativity, I though maybe a good playlist would get the creative juices flowing. I opened Spotify and searched for prison songs/playlists. Song #3 was titled “Prison Sex.” YHC deleted that search and hopes the algorithm skips that for future suggestions……what have I searched for in the past for that to be #3?

I decided to just do something simple and try to get reps of merkins so Rubber Ducky can inch closer to having the most reps in Jan. Here’s was happened:

Mission and core principles: Struggle to remember the word “serve”……Forgot half the principles. Off to a bad start.

Warm-O-Rama: Recall principle #6 and do SSH. Start shivering from sweating during Super Max so run to get blocks. Bring blocks to the starting point and finish with the regular stuff (but also forget what Imperial storm tro0pers are called).

The Thang: Start by the benches with 20 merkins. Jump the wall/prison escape (the only prison related thing in the whole workout). Bear crawl Block push from the 1st island to the 2nd island (forget what they are called so name them cement things). Run to the end of the parking lot and do 1 WWII. Run back w/ bear crawl block push back to the 1st island, jump the wall and go back to the beginning.

Repeato with 19 merkins and 2 WWII. Keep repeating with descending merkins and increasing WWIIs, by 1 until you get to 1 merkin and 20 WWIIs.

After round 10, we changed bear crawl block push to Murder Bunnies.

This was much harder and took much longer than I anticipated and took us to the end of the workout.



-We need more men to sign up for Samaritan Ministries Dinner Help, particularly 2/19

-Beverly is running 46 miles later today

-U-turns friend’s mom had a stroke and is in the hospital


-I was not prepared for how difficult this workout was going to be. I think only Swifty finished it with all the laps after he hit another gear with about 10 min left and lapped everyone at least once. Most PAX, including YHC, got all the reps, but not all the laps.

-Zima decided to make things harder on himself by doing WWIIs uphill for the last 6-7 rounds

-I think everyone finally warmed up after 15-20 min because no one complained about the cold after that, they only complained about the workout.

-Sometimes simple is the most effective.

I’m honored to hang out with this group most days of the week, occasionally lead and always be pushed to be better.