like sand through the hourglass this was the alcatraz workout from 9/16

QIC: crash

Date: 9/16/2023

PAX: rustbucket, ziggy stardust, swifty, rubber ducky, adobe, chubz, cruiser, subfloor, bullwinkle, dazzler, tweetybird, crash

Judging by the look of this one (see pic below) from Sept 16, yhc recalls leading the assembled pax back to the rocks after warmup, then bringing those forward to station 1 which was in the NE corner and was blocks.

So, we warmed up and then did 4 stations with 1 min hourglass, 1 min per exercise, to see more about those check out this post but in a nutshell… pick up the shim, flip over, do exercise 1 min, mosey to next station. 4 stations so arm station, ab station, leg station, core/full body/other station running between stations.

blocks: overhead press, curls, bent row, incline press, skull crusher, blockees
abs: flutter kick, freddie mercs, plank, plank jacks, ww2, and (maybe) crunchy frog
arms: alt shoulder tap, carolina dry docks, inchworms, wmds, nolan ryans, burpees
other: squats, iron mikes, donkey kicks, bear crawl (variable # of parking spaces), crab walk (variable # of spaces), mountain climbers

YHC believes we also spent just a bit of time toward the end doing some 3 man grinders on the south side of the parking lot going east and west, and using the exercises at those 2 stations.

Then mary and finish!

While we did this 12 pax did the workout and bullwinkle ran.

There were 6 for supermax and yhc ran for all of that.

swifty, rubber ducky, cruiser, bullwinkle, ziffel, crash