Redemption at Distillery: Rolling the Dice on the Q

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 11/16/23

PAX: 60 minutes (WB), Schneider, Madoff, Bruin (WD), Spicoli (QIC)

After YHC overslept his Q on 11/2/23, the chance for redemption was graciously offered by the Site Q Madoff. I got up my alarm and was ready to go, but still was 1 minute late. Blaming that on hitting every light on Lewisville Clemmons… Or I could have been out the door 5 minutes earlier.  #TimeManagement

Nonetheless, the PAX was assembled and in good spirits so we got at it.


SSH, IW, Toy Solider,  All in cadence 

Inchworm compound movement exercise (nicknamed Oompa Loompas by Madoff): x3

walk out to a plank (inch worm), 1 merkin, right foot to right hand into low runners lunge, right arm to the sky stretch. Return to plank, left foot to left hand into lunge, left arm to sky stretch. Walk back up into standing. With arms overhead, reverse lunge right, reverse lunge left, squat. That’s 1 rep.


continued warm up with DB line drills, carioca and apollo creeds,


Circle up:

Merkins Ring of fire from 1 up to 5

Squats ring of fire up to 5. 

***Serious discussion started by 60 Minutes as to what constitutes a rep when holding a squat position. Is it only a half rep if you stay down at the end? Do you stand all the way up at the beginning, then start your squat or is standing up a rep? Inquiring minds want to know.


The thing

Shooting Dice:

Throw three dice: Red Die = exercise, White dice = number of reps.

**started with only 1 white die because I’m a softee.  Added second die in third mosey location**

1: Hurpees (here defined as burpee with 2 extra merkins so three in total)

2: Jungle Bois (squat jumps where you bring your arms to the ground on the down and likely destroy your lower back)

3: No Cheat Merkins (Hand release merkin plus shoulder taps)

4: Ursain Bolts/Sprinter Abs

5: Jillian Michaels (donkey kick + tuck jump)

6: Flying Squirrels (burpee without merkin)


Each person took at least one turn in each location we moseyed to in parking lot. Second white die for reps was added at third moseyed location.

The number “1” for Hurpees was only rolled twice and one of those times was by 60 for the final exercises with 10 reps.  #Strong


Broga: facing the dawning sky, YHC led sun salutations: once on each side

MOM: 30 seconds of plank



COT: Bruin bestowed words of blessings  and protection upon us, and asked for healing upon Rubber Ducky. Apparently the lack of rain has caused him to dry out and catch a #ManCold. Fast recovery Duck!


Great to be back out to Distillery and I appreciate the accountability and encouragement of the PAX as well as the opportunity to lead.