VQ at VI

QIC: Rubber Ducky

Date: 10.2.2023

PAX: Cruiser, Schneider, Hardin, Sour Mash, Singing Cowboy, Rubber Ducky, Drama Queen, Popeye

It was an early morning on October 2 in the year of our Lord 2023.  3 PAX started at 5 am with the 2 mile Extra Credit Run.  Then the group met up with Hardin and Sour Mash who started some interval training early due to needing to leave early.  I have been to this AO one time but could not remember all the resources that were available.  Luckily we had rocks and lots of them.  The rocks at VI are all large and not like the ones at TRQ but much larger.  Coming off some soreness from the beatdown I Q’d on Saturday at Alcatraz, I was looking for a smaller one.  I did not find it.  Oh well, if it does not suck, we don’t do it.

Warm Up

SSH, Abe Vigota (still checking spelling on this), Whirly with Clap, Butterfly, Quack-Bang hip and IT band stretch.

The Thang

Upper Body

Merkins x 40-

Carolina Dry Docks x 40

Bicep Curl with Rock x 40

Overhead press with Rock x 40

Nolan Ryan – x 40 each side

Run the parking lot.  Repeat x 20, x 10, x 5

Lower Body

Air Squat (With or Without Rock) x 40

Jungle Bunnies x 40

Jumping Knees to Chest x 40

Lunge (with or without rock) x 40 – each side

Run the parking lot.  Repeat x 20, x 10, x 5

Mary – running tight on time.  WW3 with Rock x 10, American Hammer with rock x 10, low flutter, the Freddy Merk – then done.

COT – Appreciative of the time and friendship this group provides.   We truly have something special here.


Duck out.