The Estate

QIC: Mutton

Date: 10/31/2023

PAX: Mutton, Bam, Crash, Giles, Wobegon

YHC is not clever enough to plan a Halloween themed workout.  No candy, no Halloween derived exercise names, just an old fashioned beatdown.  At least the weather cooperated and outside of a few stray drops, the Pax stayed mostly dry.

The Thang:

We started with the usual repertoire of Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, a little Abe Vigoda, Hillbillies and Arm Swirly Things.

After about five minutes of this we launched into my plan.

Since I am old and forgetful, I like doing a few things over and over again. To wit, I planned three pain stations with with a few hundred yards of running in between.

Pain Station 1:  The fountain in the nearby courtyard.

20 Squatty Potties, 20 Dips and 20 Erkins

Pain Station 2:  The bench by the bridge to WFU

15 Lunges (each leg), 15 Merkins, 15 Mutton Crunches (each side)

Pain Station 3:  Benches on the far side of the filed from Pure Barre

10 Step Ups (each leg), 10 Derkins, 10 Freddie Merks (4 count)

The Pax managed three laps in 35 minutes followed by Mary.

Announcements:  Wobegon has the Q at Purgatory.  Buy your way out of exercises for a good cause.  It may be for Alzheimer’s, I can’t remember.

Prayer requests:  Continued prayers for Laura Zeisel.  She is seeing a surgeon about her jaw and the pain it is causing.  This is a related to medicine she is taking to fight her cancer.  This has gone on long enough and we all need to take a knee and pray for the Laura and her family.

It was an honor to serve this morning.
