No Trails for these Pax!

QIC: Doublewide

Date: 08.14.2023

PAX: Juicebox, BooBoo, Mutton, Closer, Turnover, Palin, Lemming, Sassy

The Ragnar trails of West Virginia were missed (not a typo) this morning when I showed up at Speas and it was hot, humid, and muggy. Take me home West Virginia where we can go back to the 60s! Fall can’t get here soon enough.

We did the classic lollipop route from Speas. Mutton seemed appreciative. Can’t say the same for the rest.

For the Tabata, our 90s grunge music was inspired by my recent trip to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest:

The Tabata timer was a #Qfail (What’s the difference between a cycle and a set? UGH WHO KNOWS). I’ll take Juicebox’s advice and once I figure out how to set it correctly, I’ll never adjust it ever again.

Shout out to Burns, Wobegon, and Woodpecker, my fellow Ragnar carpool riders, for helping me come up with “deep cuts” exercises for us, including electric chairs (sucked), rocking chair lunges (sucked more) and Parker merkins (the worst). Thankfully the timer wasn’t set correctly and I got way more rest than I should have (but absolutely needed).

Announcements & prayer requests: WSFCS starts in 2 weeks, Sassy’s wife starts tomorrow, and several PAX had kids who are heading off to college either this past weekend or coming up. Turnover could use a nap.


  • Great to see Palin out at an F3 running workout. He had knee surgery recently and we’ve been missing him. Even on a surgically repaired knee, he’s still faster than I am! Good to see you back out again, brother.
  • I feel I don’t appreciate it enough that Juicebox is a constant figure in my life every single Monday and Friday morning. With him moving next month, that will change. I’ll miss following your guiding blinking green light! Hope you can still make it out every now and then.
  • Sassy posted after doing Ragnar this weekend. He’s training for the Chicago Marathon, so there’s no rest for him – and he’s doing 17 miles this weekend! Good luck!
  • Lemming was in the lead group today. He has really improved as a runner these past few months and I’ve noticed it’s harder and harder to keep him in my sights on runs (much less stay with him). Way to go.
  • BooBoo and Mutton weren’t there at 530 when we launched but were there for the COT. They looked sweaty enough, so I assumed they crushed the run as usual.
  • Speaking of not being there at launch time, Closer ran to meet us on Polo after getting a late start. Found out that his eldest called him out for once peeing in his pants (or something like that, I may have taken a little artistic liberty in retelling that story).
  • Turnover showed up less than a week after kid #4 was born. I assume he hasn’t slept since last Tuesday, so on one hand I guess he was awake anyway, but on the other…TURNOVER SHOWED UP LESS THAN A WEEK AFTER KID #4 WAS BORN. I would’ve taken months off. What a stud!

Thanks for letting me Q, Closer! I’m going to spend the rest of the day playing my Tabata timer over and over.