Celebrating Class of ‘73 at Purgatory

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 8-19-2023

PAX: Mudpit, Splash, Burlap, Parkay, Lace, Leather, Bluto, Boomerang, High Cotton, Bam, BooBoo, Sgt Schultz

Mudpit and YHC drove up (yes, drove! 😆 Doing GreeNest after) and had the parking lot to ourselves for a bit. Then the regulars started rolling in. Quickly had a dozen and got started.

Warmarama:  SSH, AV, Whirlies, arm swirls fwd and back, Y-flies, Mike Phelps, hold slow squat for quad stretching.

Celebrating 50th reunion of class of ‘73 of Wilkes Central High School today.  Mudpit and I met there in 10th grade.

To hill, partner for BOMBS 73:  73 burpees, 146 oh claps, 219 merkins, 292 Baby crunches , 365 squats. Partner jogs downhill and backwards uphill in between work.  BooBoo arrives as we were BOMBing and jumped right in while Picnic Basket watched over us.

Playground:   WCHS was WWII sit-ups, chin-ups, HR merkins, squat jumps,  x 50 each

To brick wall of school: 1 min ea of wall sit and BTTW.

Back to start for Mary: low flutter, Mutton Crunches, box cutters, and Huckleberry merkins. Done!

As we started BOMBS with 73 burpees, Splash pointed out “that’s a terrible idea”, but I think his pair was the second to finish. Besides Lace…hard to stay ahead of Lace. Lively chatter and an enjoyable morning. Super fit bunch of HIM’s that took the workout in stride while YHC huffed and puffed. 🥵. We all got stronger and enjoyed each other’s company.
YHC took us out with prayers for aging parents, being good examples, keeping in mind that others may have huge struggles, and for us to be good stewards of God’s love.
Thank you all for what you mean to me.