2 Double Respects and an Aye for the War Baby!

QIC: Boomerang

Date: August 9, 2023

PAX: Burlap, Crash (WB) and Boomerang (WD)

Been a while since YHC has been to Mayhem and while many things there were the same there is one new item that YHC may try to incorporate into a workout at some point in the future. 2 EV charging stations!  Working on a plan!

YHC felt lonely as there was only Crash in the distance as 5:27am rolled around, could we be it. Not to worry Burlap arrived just in time and we 3 were off. Mission statement and 5 Core Principles given and we started the beatdown with IST, Abe Vigoda, Whirlies, Arm Swiriles and maybe SSH.  Then we were off to the shelter after picking up a rock of our choice.

Pretty simple stuff-20 of each exercise, complete the round and then run a lap of the small parking lot, repeat rounds until close to time.

Round  #1

Curls/Carolina Dry Docks
OH Press/SSH
Front Raises/Plank Jacks
Bent Over Rows/Peter Parkers

Round #2

Chest Press/R Leg Step Up
American Hammer/L Leg Step Up
Irkins/Alt Lunges (single count)

Round #

Skull Crushers/Gas Pumps
Merkins/Low Flutters  (single count)
Mike Tysons/Heels to Heaven

Return rocks and back to parking lot for Mary which consisted one of two exercises and finished.


New 2.0 for Turnover and M

YHC took us out

Missed the regulars at Mayhem, but strong work by the PAX as we made it through 5 rounds-impressive

Thanks for keys Workbench, I left them in the sink hole in the parking lot!