Winging it at TRQ

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 7-6-2023

PAX: Argyle, D-Day, Pony Express, Ziggy Stardust, Dramaqueen (EC run), Undertow, Giles (WB), Boomerang

Wednesday night as YHC was brushing teeth before bed, I wondered who had the Q in the morning at TRQ. Thought a bit, then remembered it was YHC. 🤪. Oh well. Plenty of time in my Run to Peacehaven to figure something out.
Arrived at Speas in a good sweat to greet Boomerang and DQ. DQ had run as well but a different route. More regulars rolled in, and it was looking very Respectful (Pony was about to be WB 😅) then Giles strolled up out of the gloom to claim that title.
Everyone was on time and we got into Warmarama:  SSH, Imp Walkers, Whirlies, AV, Y-flies, and Mike Phelps.
Then to parking lot in front of the school: traverse the first 15 or so spaces by lunge walking 3 spaces then 20 merkins for 100 total merkins. (D-Day was sure we had previously decided that was a bad idea to traverse the entire parking lot, so we did half. He’s a smart guy.) So we strolled to the next island, then bear crawled the rest of the way. There was a good bit of “ummm, let’s do this next” as we made it up as we went along.
Then to playground equipment for alternating pull-ups and sit-ups, 10 each x 4 rounds, then to rocks.

Just stood in a circle and did rock stuff:  20 IC curls, skull crushers, BO rows, on 6 for chest presses then low flutter. Repeato but 15 IC this round. Then repeat with 10 IC (did I mention YHC was guilty of little to no advance planning?), then 7 IC of curls, SC, and rows and Rocks Up!

Then to wall for 1 minute each of wall sit and BTW

Back to start for Mary:  WWII’s (Pony thoughtfully reminded me we’d done those already), box cutters, Mutton crunches, Huckleberry merkins (always the crowd favorite!❤️) and Time!

NMM:  Argyle gets after some pull-ups!  Noisy but strong work! 😅💪. Pony, Boomerang, and D-Day are delightful workout buddies, always keeping some pleasant conversation going amidst all my huffing and puffing. Undertow and Ziggy are so calm and efficient, getting the work done with no complaints. Great to see Giles’ smiling face, putting in hard work. DQ did an EC run, been kicking cancer in da butt, and sailed through the workout. Great group!

Pony offered prayers for aging and healing parents, and for us to be good examples in all our roles in life.
Was a pleasure to work out with these HIM’s.  Their friendship means so much to me. ❤️