TRQ & WIB together at last

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 6-15-2023

PAX: D-Day, Dr Toot, Greenspan (EC run, WB), Pony Express, Argyle, BooBooBustAMove, Green Acres (Q, WD)

It was bound to happen. WIB can be anywhere, so why not at Speas with TRQ?  Had to do a little research on WIB (thanks BAM), and read a couple recent BB (simple and awful—got it!) then came up with a barely coherent and executed plan:  3 pain stations, and making use of rocks and pull-up bars. To make WIBer’s feel at home, even came with music and cardboard for the first time ever. 😆 (charged the new speaker last night, linked it this morning, and with a lot of help from Greenspan and D-Day, it actually worked!). Oh yeah, we got in a workout too!

Started with Mtn climbers, then walked the hands back to downward dog calf stretches, the off to mosey across the parking lot and to the rock pile, doing running jacks (flapping arms like crazy geese then changed to Mike Phelps also while moseying. We looked silly – thought of your last Q, Woodpecker! 😆) but got warmed up.

Pax got rocks, back to parking area close to playground with pull-up bars, and found the 3 stations: #1 station was playground for #1 exercise pull-ups and #2 merkins.  Station 2 in parking area for rock work: #3 exercise curls, and #4 was skull-crushers.  Station 3 a few yards away had exercise #5 squats and #6 LBC’s. We did 10 rounds of 1-6 exercises, increasing by the same number as the exercise each time. E.g. did 2,4,6,8…20 of merkins. Did 6,12,18,24…60 of LBC’s. The ten rounds were done about 610, so after putting up rocks and slow mosey back to start, Time!  We worked up a good sweat and chatted for some good fellowship. 😅Announcements:  Toot has the Q for Urban Assault Fri and Launchpad on Monday.  Pony Express has Q at Purgatory on Saturday.
Prayers offered for aging parents, for help with being good stewards of God’s love, and keeping in mind that we don’t know what is in the hearts of those we pass by. Was a great group of HIM’s and an enjoyable and beautiful morning.


Toot stole the cardboard so you may see this again when you least expect it. 🤣. He led the way all morning, just killing this workout.

Pony and BooBoo had some good conversations while moving smoothly through the stations.

Greenspan continued his amazing recovery with his solo 2 mile EC run. Also reported that no skulls were actually crushed. Only the one cool scar as proof.

Argyle and D-Day crushed it with smiling faces.
Was a pleasure to lead. Thank you Toot for the opportunity for this combo.