Flip a Coin Day

QIC: Cruiser

Date: 6/1/2023

PAX: 60 minutes (WB), Spicoli, Schneider, Sour Mash, Drama Queen (WD), Madoff, Cruiser (Q)

Since I was undecided of what exactly I wanted to do for this workout and I found out it was national flip a coin day it felt like it was meant to be that a coin would decide. Maybe sometime we will do all the other exercises not chosen by the coin, but here is was the workout looked like.

Warm-O-Rama: The standards: SSH, Whirly, shoulder-rama, some yoga poses


The Thang:  18 min AMRAP

Ex 1: 15 yd down and back Bear Crawl Block Push

Ex 2: 8 Lt Dan

Ex 3: 20 Thrusters


There were several minutes remaining so we flipped the coin again and finished with Legs

Do 10 of each for round 1, 9 for round 2, 8 for round 3 and so on….

Jump Squats

Bonnie Blairs

Goblet squats

Single leg RDL

Fast Feet

Block Swings

Run (number of reps in parking spaces x2 and back- 20, 18, 16 ……)

-I think we got to round 5 or 6

End with COT: 60 min co-workers family member, kids with testing, parents for summer

Music Selection: 90’s and 2000’s Alternative Rock

Some people learned new trivia, like Dave Grohl was the drummer in Nirvana and also Queens of the Stone Age (Not Modest Mouse, though they are easily confused).

There was some complaining that the coin was rigged.

The music choice was stellar. Better than the other option of Boy Bands. I also prefer the final Legs option with Arms.