Wee Wee’d Up

QIC: Hansel

Date: 5/8/23

PAX: Turnover, Huckleberry, Workbench, Van Gogh, Schlitz, Rubber Ducky, Goldwatch, Frostbite, Cheesesteak, Palin

“Rise and shine its butt whipping time!”


“Rise and shine its butt wiping time?”

Despite the average PAX age being close to 40, our youthful exuberance was on full display this Monday morning. Apparently, the proper colloquialism in the south is; butt whooping time. Duly noted.

Our gracious PAX continued to edumicate (educate) YHC throughout the beatdown. Without saying his name, but also remembering some famous blunders, Mrs. “refudiate,” “misunderstimate,” and my favorite Mrs. “wee wee’d up,” had no hesitation in critiquing the mission statement and five core principles, comparing the Q’s diction to a disclaimer at the end of a Keytruda advertisement.

After a slight pause to digest the slight, YHC continued.


SSH, Imperial Walker, Abe Vigoda, Whirly, and Michael Phelps.


3 Rounds

10 Pull-ups, 10 merkins, 10 blockees, 10 thrusters, 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses, 10 front raises

Next station:

One partner runs a lap, the other partner bear crawls a lap until partner 1 taps him out. Continue this rotation until a completed bear crawl lap.

For the next lap with the same format, some followed instructions and crab walked, others defaulted to lung walks.

Last Station:

Mary with a bunch of random made-up exercises  mostly in plank position.

No toilet paper necessary!


Within this tight fellowship circle we call F3, patterns emerge and fellow PAX are quick to notice any deviation from the norm. For instance, Turnover emerged sprightly and without leggings. Myself without my beloved hoody. Rubber ducky appeared to have lost another 10lbs over the weekend and Palin was quiet… for about 4 seconds, which set a new record.

Given YHC’s affinity for fine wines and bourbon based cocktails, the QIC Monday routine is generally a recovery day filled with far more wiping than whooping. That being said, YHC forcefully “wee wee’d up” to bring some heat first thing this Monday morning.

After a perfect recitation of the mission statement and core principles, Huckleberry continued where Palin left off, “Refudiating” to do imperial walkers because the cadence was too Zima-esque!

Upon arriving to the playground with cinder blocks in hand, YHC “misunderestimated” the short memory of some of the PAX who called for a hand written, gold framed, cardboard cutout of  all the exercises and reps all the while failing to remember a core principle “free of charge,” aka “you get what you pay for.”

Goldwatch was like an apparition who disappeared momentarily only to reappear more energized and slightly leaner. Where he went we will never know, but in keeping with the childish theme he must’ve gone wee wee.

Rubber Ducky, Palin and Schlitz collectively known as the gossip girls formed their own clique and chatty Kathy’d for the entire 45mins. Begs the question of what really is in that bud light?!

The juvenile playground chatter was dismissed by the bigger boys and YHC, who kept on point and pounded out the block work reps.

Rubber Ducky later made it known that his VQ is on the 19th at Urban Assault. Parking passes are available to purchase in advance and are guaranteed to sell out. He’s clearly one of the popular kids and is loved by all. Great work RD!

The “A” team, you know who you are, made easy work of the beatdown.

YHC was honored to lead these incorrigible youths and enjoyed every minute. Keep up the mumble chatter and never change your quirky ways because as the real Palin says,  “only dead fish go with the flow.”


ROCC 5k this Saturday

Rubber Ducky VQ, May 19th Urban Assault

Prayer Requests

Pray for peace for Turnover’s step grandparents

Pray for Goldwatch’s daughter who is pregnant with their first grandchild.

Pray for continued recovery and strength for all the PAX recovering from medical procedures.










1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    May 8, 2023 4:54 pm

    Pull-ups and merkins and bears!! Oh my! Hate I missed it. Well done! 👏

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