tour around the estate

QIC: crash

Date: 5/9/2023

PAX: hansel, madoff, wobegon, crash

YHC is relatively unfamiliar with the estate. It was a site where I was attacked by an ent some time ago, putting a branch into the knee and recovering maybe 4-6 weeks with a few missed weeks of F3. I’ve stayed away since, with a notable exception a couple pre-prom gatherings, for photos etc.

Hansel was gracious enough to come though I’d missed my own AO he q’d Monday, Iron Throne, sat it out to recover the arms, I have only myself to blame for that from Saturday’s Alcatraz. Madoff showed up and they talked golf and working on consistency while I remarked the only thing I can do consistently in golf is to hit about 12 balls into the water each time I play. I spent a full summer in high school or maybe the first summer back from college leveling every sprinkler head on the new (at that time) ‘River’ course at King’s Mill in Williamsburg, VA. If you ever have the chance to play there maybe you can see the handiwork. When a golf course is built, the sprinkler system is put in, the grading is done and little attention is paid to how well sprinklers line up with the surface of the land. Every one is on a swivel head with probably 3 degrees of freedom a foot or two of flexibility in any direction and angle. Once the grass grows in, every one has to be located, dug out, leveled, and repacked. I was meticulous and the supervisor decided quickly that was the only job I’d do that summer. I’d come in and ask to do other things and all summer was set to that task. I could have played every golf course Kings Mill had for free that summer and never took advantage of it. Oops.


20 ssh, 16 ist, 6 abe vigoda, 16 ish hillbillies, 10 ast front and back, 10 ish michael phelps, and we’re off.

Listened to this playlist by Lord Huron the whole way. Seconds app kept us on track with exercises and timing.


1 min mosey / run, 1 min exercise, alternating, as we run about 2 miles around the grounds of reynolda village. It was cool out and pretty pleasant.

These exercises: ssh, american hammer, ww2, merkins, plank jacks, shoulder taps, h2h, burpees, mtn climbers, monkey humpers, hr merkins, low flutter, carolina dry docks, freddie mercs, low/elbow plank, crunchy frog.


ring of fire, starting with 10 merkins per pax. This was a ton of fun and much appreciated. penguin crunch in cadence for about 30-60 seconds, low dolly about 30 seconds, finish.


Triple down opportunity this weekend, supermax, alcatraz, rocc 5k for $30 per pax from van gogh, or double down any 2? for $20 per pax from hansel.

Prayers for healing knees, palin, zima, and prayers for continued recovery from surgery, greenspan. Prayers for all those with aging parents and for those recovering or enduring cancer treatments, and all those with family undergoing the same.


OK, its true Lord Huron can seem like the same stuff, for 45 min, its low key, some of the music was noticeable to the pax.
We did burpees on the site where the ent who attacked me has been now reduced to wood chips. There are also some new wooden pathways, sort of boardwalks, in that area.
We took a bit of a detour, but it was no problem. Ended up planking in a field with some deer not far away on the way back.
Garbage trucks smell great! All you gentlemen it was a pleasure thank you for coming out this morning.