Substitute GI Joe @ Bells and the Whistles

QIC: Atrophy

Date: 05/30/2023

PAX: Bam, Doublewide, Balco, Bluto, Closer, Rubber Ducky, Chubbs, Sweet Tea, Manscape, Triple Lindy, Poncho, Lemming, Transcript, Lace

BnW Wednesday

4:45 Ruck – Bluto, Rubber Ducky, Chubbs, Atrophy, Closer.  – Bam texted Closer that there was a traffic light jam and he needed a bit more time but Closer was not closing and had no phone. Glad Bam made it for the ruck.


5:30 Thang.

Cobra was the excepted Q but duties called and we are thankful that he and many others are out there to Answer  the call. I got the Bat signal the night before to put a Q and winkie together and at 3am it commenced.

The PAX arrived to the letdown Q aka…Atrophy stepping in for cobra and i quickly shared the good news that their day can ONLY get better after such Devastating news.

The AO was riddled with chalk and cones showing a complicated Winkie that even Bonqui Qui would be mad at. Bluto called out the perplexing issues early as a good flesh MD would do.

We were all pleased to see Poncho back at BnW making the trip up north now for him and to see Triple Lindy out in the gloom means that SUMMER is upon us!

*Music was Apples “Memorial Day Playlist” but outside of Lee Greenwood I’m not sure if I agree with ANY of the songs. Closer confused God Bless the USA with friends in low places so that started things off very well;).

Warming Up Blanket:

SSH 15

arm swirly things 15

michale Phelps 15

plank into stretches right and left leg

merkins 10

shoulder touches

KB swings 10

CJ 5 each side

mosey to show the PAX the 3 different sites for the work. A, B, C stations that were across the parking lot, Tennis Courts and the Playground – Counted off to see who would start where. All were a bit confused because the Q should have done that when we were in a circle… oh well.

10 mins per Station AMRAP

Station A: Parking Lot

10 across – Kb Thrusters, KB WW2, KB Swings, KB C&J, KB Squats – run small loop / repeat.


B: Tennis Courts

15 Hand release Merkins, Bear Crawl to other side of tennis courts, 15 Freddie Merks, 15 Squat Jumps, Bear Crawl to other side of courts, VUps, Lunges back to the start. Repeat


C: Playground

25 kB cheat press, 25 PullUps or rows, 25 Kb step ups , 25 Knee Ups on monkey bars , 25 elevated merkins, 2 windsorints across BB Court. Repeat

Return to Parking lot for the finish of Plank, Mountian Climber, and LBCs

started to rain about 15 mins in and some likes it and wanted more rain, others were complaining with the beat of them.

Finished up and no COT prayer.


thankful for all the brothers out there that are fighting the good fight and remember that we are in this together… don’t go it alone and phone a friend of you need something or prayer or just someone to be there.

till next time!

All My Best
