spaghetti western at alcatraz

QIC: crash

Date: 5/6/2023

PAX: cruiser, dr. toot, subfloor, adobe, ziggy stardust, huckleberry, ziffel, bullwinkle, tweety bird, sylvester, kaffee, crash

Alcatraz needed a q about 2-3 days out and the call went out from van gogh. YHC was in town and volunteered if no one else wanted to do it.

Lately some of the shows on TV YHC has found entertaining have used spaghetti western style music or often had that feel to their opening themes. There’s a lot of interesting modern throwbacks by admiring directors and filmmakers. The genre is characterized by italian directors and Clint Eastwood was a frequent star. You’ll certainly see music by the great Ennio Morricone. If you haven’t seen The Mission he does the soundtrack for that, one of my favorite movies, but I hadn’t realized the did so many of these iconic western scores.

The pax showed up and we started the playlist you can find here. You might think about playing it while you read this backblast.


10-20 of each, side straddle hops, imperial storm troopers, hillbillies, forward and backward arm swirly things, some broga with up and down dogs, michael phelps, abe vigodas, not all in that order.

Mosey to the bars for the


Hang ’em High:
All the PAX bar hang for 60 seconds, then 45 seconds, 30 seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds. Variable breaks between from 30 seconds to about 50 seconds determined by the Q. This was harder than anticipated, at least for me.

PAX count off into 3 groups (ok I made a mistake and counted us into 4 but we ended up in 3 groups of 4) and flip tires from one end of parking lot behind pull up bars to the other and back. So the idea was first man flips, then 2, 3, 4, and rotate in that order. If a guy needs help the guy next in order steps up to assist. This was fun and a bit of competition might have ensued but mostly everyone kept pretty similar pace.

The Alamo:
PAX split into 2 groups and build a fortress on the other end of the parking lot using every block available – every single block… and then dismantle and take it all back. This was a lot of overhead carries, 2 block carries, walking to slow mosey and involved some creativity.

Next some western themed exercises…

  • Pistol squats (squat with one leg while the other is in front of you – good for balance), 10 each?
  • Rattlesnake pushups (a merkin where on the way up as early as possible you reach out to the side with one arm like you’re grabbing a rattlesnake), 10 each?
  • Saloon door kicks (kick leg out to side, bring forward and down), 10 each?
  • Cowboy crunches (like a WW2 and a mutton crunch but neither – elbow to opposite knee during a WW2), 20 each?

After this we went to the parking lot on the side of the church. 2 Strategically placed cardboards (Thanks Toot) spelling SPAGHETTI WESTERN (BB): YHC called 10-30 of each with a couple exceptions, moseying back and forth between these. Trying to move these along to finish on time.

  • Side straddle hops, 30?
  • Plank jack, 20 or 30…
  • Alternating shoulder tap, 10…
  • Gas pump, 20 or 30?
  • Hand release merkins, 10
  • Elbow to knee (mutton), 20 each side?
  • Tie fighters, 10 each leg – 1 count is a 4 count arm swirly thing – from the lunge position
  • Tempo merkins, in cadence, 10? count 3 down then on 4 up.
  • Inchworms, 10


  • World war 2’s, 20?
  • Elbow plank, hold 1 minute
  • Squats, 30
  • Tricep dips, (just dips – 30 ish?)
  • Elevated mountain climber, 60… 30 each side. Higher tempo higher knee version from an incline position.
  • Rosalita, 20?
  • Nolan ryan, 30, 15 each side
  • Burpees, 5
  • Bear crawls (did not do – head to Mary)


Did some penguin crunches in cadence, ring of fire starting with 4 merkins and finish.


  • huckleberry likes music that has a lot of mouth guitar. he loves spaghetti western music, the slower and more instrumental the better and never complains about it. he also doesn’t know YHC’s iphone passcode and so was unable to change the music or skip songs.
  • one group which I think included at least ziggy, toot, kaffee, bullwinkle, tweety bird built an alamo out of blocks, something that looked like a robot with arms on each side counterbalanced by stuff piled on top and when it came down it was inevitable a couple blocks would be lost. van gogh claims to have felt a disturbance in the force.
  • See slack photograph on backblast for who built the best Alamo. I think ziggy and ziffel and adobe and subfloor were creative directors. It was quite chaotic.
  • I think it was Adobe commented first something about rattlesnake pushups being inappropriate and maybe it was good no younger 2.0’s were there. YHC might have said snake. There were some chuckles. Get your minds out of the gutter people!
  • yhc tried using chatgpt to suggest some western themed exercises for this workout, but we only used a few of them. We can thank AI for rattlesnake pushups, saloon door kicks, cowboy crunches. YHC was going to skip the saloon door kicks but the pax were paying attention and really wanted to try that one.
  • tumbleweed tire flipping is hazardous- with pax running into each other and once or twice an unsuspecting pax had a tire graze the leg. the desert is a dangerous place.
  • yhc is grateful for everyone coming out
  • yhc is grateful to see bullwinkle making a comeback from foot surgeries and ziffel also doing great in recovery for the knee as well as dr toot doing great during the workout. this one had a bit less distance to it so it was a good one for recovering knees. the arms were another matter.
  • everyone was great for the tumbleweed tire flips. YHC was struggling a couple times and adobe stepped up to assist.
  • Thanks to tweety bird and sylvester coming out. strong work!
  • dr toot and huckleberry were rarin to go on the hang ’em high. i think the breaks might have been too long for them. others might have been as well. those two just happened to be across from me for that segment.
  • It was good to spend supermax with van gogh, bullwinkle, toot. Did a bit of running with van gogh early and with bullwinkle late. hang ’em high helped me understand maybe I should do that a bit more to help grip strength to help to continue to work toward being able to do pullups.


Toot has wib on Thurs, the site q!
Subfloor has alcatraz next Sat. Probably park in back. That day is ROCC 5k.
There will be a triple down opportunity $30 per pax donated by Van Gogh and a double down opportunity also $20 per pax. For the $30 do supermax and alcatraz and the 5k. For the double down do any 2 (I think).


General prayers for healing, wisdom, discernment, relationships, YHC took us out.