Impossible Situation

QIC: Mutton

Date: 05/13/2023

PAX: Mutton, Lambchop, Palin, Spicoli

YHC arrived right on time and a bit surly.  Why is it smoke detector battery warnings only go off at 3am and not 3pm.  After struggling to find new batteries that did not work, the rest of the night was spent listening to warning beeps every minute on the minute.  As a result, I had to take it out on the Pax.

The Thang:
Quick warm-a-rama with the usual stuff.  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Arm Swirly Things and a little stretch.

Next, we made our way to the Intimidator.

  1.  Quick dash to the top – 25 burpees
  2. Back down – 25 burpees
  3.  Back up and back down 4 more times

Back to the track.

400 meters – 25 burpees

Repeato – 6 times

Back to the Intimidator

Up and down 3 times with 25 burpees each stop

We ended 5 minutes earlier as YHC had to be at Wake for a hooding ceremony for my son.


Not a lot of chatter, just heavy breathing and grumbling

Palin struggled with his surgically repaired knee